Guess I shoulda just suggested sniping them from the rooftop.

Return to “group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?”
Hoi Polloi wrote:A gang of 8 drunken frat boys who are feet from you would be on you like white on rice while you're holding your cell phone trying to take a picture. They'd leave you bloodied, bruised, and you'd be lucky if your phone wasn't smashed to smithereens and you weren't unconscious. But the frat boys probably would move on without messing with your ride.Carry-a-Kimber wrote:In my version the leader of the group is a clean cut 21 y/o frat boy closer to 155lbs, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I would again ask him to find elsewhere to hang out. If he keeps me from entering my vehicle by physically blocking my way I would consider that a physical threat. At that point I would be close enough to take a clear cell phone photo of the guy's face. He probably wouldn't like that and might even try to ge the phone from me, that would be a physical assault. Appropriate measures would have to be taken.
Hope I didn't leave you hanging too long.
If it was a less savory crowd which perhaps included a kid with some theft history, your car would be brutally keyed, your shoes and wallet gone, your phone smashed if old or gone if new, your glasses in shards, and you'd be lucky if someone else saw it and called 911 for you in time.
What makes you think that you and your cell phone could take on a group of 8 drunks who are feet from you and intent on causing you bodily harm? There wouldn't be enough time to blink and even if you could unholster, draw, and fire in time, they'd hit you from behind in seconds. And that's assuming they don't have weapons of their own.
That is simply too many and too close, and the preposterous idea that you'd be using both your hands to snap a pic when you understand they'll be coming at you swinging seems like a particularly bad idea.
I answered this with a subsequent post.SlowDave wrote:So you're gonna....?Carry-a-Kimber wrote:If a "group" of uninvited strangers decide to make themselves at home on the hood of my truck, I am not waiting an hour or so for the police to come and tell them to move along.
1. Go with the proven technique of the OP and get your car dinged up and then go home with them knowing your identity and workplace?
2. Go confront them and win or maybe die that night over car dings?
3. Just open fire pre-emptively and hope you kill them all before they get you and then take off and hope the cops don't figure out who you are?
4. #3 but hang around and pay for the ensuing legal battle to show that you had the right to do it? Maybe $100k vs. the $1k to fix the car.
Okay, a bit tongue-in-cheek, but realistically, we're in a situation here with a multitude of bad responses to choose from. Least bad seems to be the one you've ruled out, IMHO.
I would probably get in my truck and move it. If they tried to keep me from entering my truck that is their prerogative.Carry-a-Kimber wrote:I would ask politly and respectfully for them to find elsewhere to sit. Whatever happens after that would be up to them.
Oldgringo wrote:I may have missed something but I understood that the OP was concerned about damage to his vehicle? If I'm hearing you correctly, you propose shooting holes in the OP's ride to rid it of vermin?mctowalot wrote:If he had a Taurus Judge, loaded with buckshot, and he began firing at the left side of the group, how fast would he have to sweep the gun to the right to disperse the buckshot evenly?
What time would he reach Chicago?