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by aaronspuler
Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:06 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: CHL Progress Checker
Replies: 17
Views: 20537

Re: CHL Progress Checker

Nerds unite, crjones!

Unfortunately, I don't have access to a linux/unix box. Any chance you (or someone else) could make something like that which would work on Windows?
by aaronspuler
Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:10 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: CHL Progress Checker
Replies: 17
Views: 20537

CHL Progress Checker

I got tired of manually logging in and checking my status every day, so I made a html page that posts the required data to the site and then gives you the status. This isn't magic or anything, it's just sending the same information to the DPS server as when you fill out the form online and push the 'Submit' button. It's just automated. All you have to do is fill in the spots below, then save it as a *.html file. Once you open the file, it sends the request to the DPS server and then you get to see your application's status.

Code: Select all

	<form id="CHL" name="CHL" action="" method=post>
		<input type=hidden name="XXTask" value="99">            <!-- Leave as value="99" -->
		<input type=hidden name="UserType" value="1">           <!-- Leave as value="1" -->
		<input type=hidden name="DateOfBirth" value="">         <!-- If birth date is July 4 1776 then value="07041776" -->
		<input type=hidden name="DL_IDNUMBER" value="DL">       <!-- Leave as value="DL" -->
		<input type=hidden name="DLNumber" value="">            <!-- Enter your DL #, example value="11111111" -->
		<input type=hidden name="IDNumber" value="">            <!-- Leave as value="" -->
		<input type=hidden name="SSNumber" value="">            <!-- Enter your SSN, example value="111223333" -->
		<input type=hidden name="Month" value="">               <!-- Enter birth month, example value="07" -->
		<input type=hidden name="Day" value="">                 <!-- Enter birth day, example value="04" -->
		<input type=hidden name="Year" value="">                <!-- Enter birth year, example value="1776" -->
		<input type=hidden name="PinNumber" value="">           <!-- Enter your PIN, example value="z111" -->

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