blackdog8200 wrote:FYI My wife was pulled over this weekend. She was fit to be tied since it was in a school zone and she wasn't speeding. Turns out it wasn't for speeding but for no insurance.
She drives a lease car provided by her employer (out of state) and it turns out the insurance company didn't fax or file the information with the state of Texas. The officer ran her plates in the zone and pulled her over. He looked at her card and everything was fine but he told her to get the company to send over the info to Texas or it could happen again.
No insurance = pulled over.
Might be worth a call to your agent to make sure they don't cause an unnecessary LEO encounter IMHO.
Be safe and be careful.
ReAlly?? If they know if the car is insured, then why do I need to send in proof of insurance when I renew the registration?