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by crjones
Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:26 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: CHL Progress Checker
Replies: 17
Views: 20529

Re: CHL Progress Checker

You inspired my nerd side and CHL checking habit to collide. With the POST elements you have, I ran them through curl and it worked. Get an md5 checksum from it and then compare. The end result is an email if your status has changed. I put this on a cron job for 1 a day. Seems to be working so far.

Cron command:

Code: Select all

curl -s -d "XXTask=99&UserType=1&DateOfBirth=XXXXXXXX&DL_IDNUMBER=DL&DLNumber=XXXXXXXX&IDNumber=&SSNumber=XXXXXXXXX&Month=XX&Day=XX&Year=XXXX&PinNumber=XXXX" | md5 | tee new - | diff -q - old || echo 'I have detected a change in your CHL application status.' | mail -s 'CHL Status Update!' && mv new old
Use this to get a baseline to make the first compare:

Code: Select all

curl -s -d "XXTask=99&UserType=1&DateOfBirth=XXXXXXXX&DL_IDNUMBER=DL&DLNumber=XXXXXXXX&IDNumber=&SSNumber=XXXXXXXXX&Month=XX&Day=XX&Year=XXXX&PinNumber=XXXX" | md5 > old

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