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- Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:20 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Weekend almost incident
- Replies: 47
- Views: 4738
Re: Weekend almost incident
I like the Mil Sim of Airsfot, but Paintball its just harder to cheat!
- Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:29 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Weekend almost incident
- Replies: 47
- Views: 4738
Re: Weekend almost incident
We do agree, those kids were lucky not to be shot.dicion wrote:I'm not disagreeing with you, I have played airsoft, and I agree in giving the kids a place to play.
I'm more going back to the OP's scenario. Even IF he had seen an orange tip, that doesn't immediately mean it's not a real gun.
I think the police in the Frisco incident did their jobs well. Kid was lucky he didn't get shot.
Also, those are NOT the only Two. Google Image search 'pink AR' or 'pink gun' and you'll see lots.
I wish the parents hold told the neighbor or the PD that the kids were playing "War" in the neighbor hood.
- Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:18 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Weekend almost incident
- Replies: 47
- Views: 4738
Re: Weekend almost incident
How many Pink ARs have you seen? How many Orange Glocks, those are the only two.dicion wrote:You mean like this?marksiwel wrote: if it was all clear or Bright Pink/Orange I think that would solve some problems.
No wait.. thats a Real gun... what about this?
Oh.. also a real gun....
Problem is.. you can paint a real gun's tip orange just as easily as you can paint a fake gun's black.
Care to point me to a Clear Gun smarty? Also like I've said, give the kids a safe place to play.
- Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:02 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Weekend almost incident
- Replies: 47
- Views: 4738
Re: Weekend almost incident
if it was all clear or Bright Pink/Orange I think that would solve some problems.bci21984 wrote:anybody can MMQB this situation, but in a low/no light situation responding to a weapons call, Frisco PD did good. these kids and parents are darn lucky they get to see each other again.
the picture below is a AIRSOFT "toy" rifle, i found the pic at air soft emporium or some similar website. even in broad day light, take that and point it at an officer, i bet 10 out of 10 times you get shot with real bullets.
Lets not stop kids from playing with Airsoft, those are the kids that grow up to be Future shooters (I know I was)
I was scared of guns until I was 17. I had shot a couple of times with my grandfather but his health problems made him a poor teacher with a short temper so as kids we were afraid of him, he's since mellowed out once the DOcs figured out what was wrong with him
In my school district i had teachers teaching that the 2nd was just for hunting and that it didn't cover self defense, (Thank you Coppell High School 11th grade History/government program) The only teacher I ever had to say anything different was my Civil War History Teacher, a Rough old Goat, named Mike"Coach" Stewart, he was a Civil War reenactor and I believe he shot Cowboy Action but I didnt know what that was when I was younger.
He got me interested in the Civil War, which got me interested in Rifles, which led to Airsoft, which when I got back from Boston led to me receiving a Pistol from my wifes Grandfather.
- Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:59 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Weekend almost incident
- Replies: 47
- Views: 4738
Re: Weekend almost incident
As for Airsoft, Set up areas in Parks where kids can play. Put up some nets, make it mandatory that they have Goggles on, your set., other than that leave them alone.
- Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:34 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Weekend almost incident
- Replies: 47
- Views: 4738
Re: Weekend almost incident
You did have Sexual Predators you just didnt KNOW about it, the Police up until 10-20 years ago *depending on state/county/city* were Very unprepared for sexual assualt/rape cases. Rape laws in alot of states are still barbaric and years behind the times.TheReverend wrote:chabouk wrote:I was with your right up to that last sentence. The difference for me and my generation (I'm 46) is that we usually did so with real guns.austinrealtor wrote:I don't consider myself an "old timer" by any stretch of the imagination. But I'm kind of taken aback by all this talk of idiot parents and stupid kids walking around in camo with realistic looking guns etc. What happened to the "good ol' days?"
It wasn't very long ago, mid 1980s, that I was a youngster walking around in old Army fatigues and camo gear with some rather realistic-looking toy rifles and pistols (and they didn't all have orange tips on them back then - and the ones that did have the orange tips, we could pry them off with dad's pliers). We played out scenarios EXACTLY as you're describing.
Only major difference is we USUALLY did so on our own property, usually in our own backyard, but certainly not in a neighbor's property.
Okay, I have to say there's also another difference: we didn't do that in our teens. We "played Army" in camo while carrying guns when we were ages 8 to 10/11/12 or so. By the time puberty hit, we were past gunpowder, and moved on to girls and gasoline. Playing soldier was for little kids.
I don't like Airsoft. I never let my kids have toy guns (they all had real guns instead).
If I got into the sociology of this trend, I'd say it is a consequence of delayed adulthood, where today's kids are pampered and protected from "life". They're not allowed to do anything really thrilling until they're past the age when they should have already put such things aside. Kids aren't allowed to wander, explore, or encounter anything that might be remotely dangerous, even though those things are a key part of growing up and learning what is okay and what isn't. We learned to drive on dirt roads at 10 or 12, and were itching to get our learner's permits at 14 so we could drive on the pavement. We rode bicycles without helmets and fell down and bumped our noggins, so that when we grew up we appreciated how important it is to wear protective gear. We played on playgrounds that were made of steel, rocks, and concrete, with no rubber padding in sight, and we learned that gravity hurts. We not only talked to strangers, we went door to door selling magazine subscriptions, or pushing a lawnmower and a gas can looking for work. At 16 or 17, if we sweated all day hauling hay and bought some cold beer to cool off, the worst that happened if we were caught, was the deputy forcing us to pour it out on the side of the road. Or maybe he called our parents, which was a fate worse than jail.
Today, puberty hits earlier than ever, but "growing up" is delayed until 21, 25, sometimes until the 30s, if even then. From kindergarten on, kids learn by example that The Rules are arbitrary, capricious, and enforced with "zero tolerance", with absolutely no consideration for what would be right or just. They're taught that self defense is no different than assault, since both parties are punished equally.
And appropriate to the trespassing theme of this thread, they're taught that they're entitled to an equal share of everything, and that it's wrong of you to insist they not play games on your lawn.
I can't believe I've turned into a geezer before hitting 50.
I can't say I agree 100% with you. I agree that the kids today are maturing ALOT later then we did and it's not "normal".
But regarding the rest of your comments, the word was different when we grew up (and I grew up a good 15 years after you) we didn't have the internet, the sexual predators and the worry that your kid will get snatched out of your own back yard.
I remember that most of my childhood I was out with friends from the time we got back from school till dark (and then some). How many of you guys that live in the city/suburbs let their kids stay till dark alone outside?
Law enforcement change a lot over the years the main problem, as you mentioned, is that most of the legislators/enforcers can tell the difference between important and not important and they enforce all the rules with "zero tolerance" and keep adding more and more stupid rules. I think it's all because of the fact that law suits became the American dream and the national hobby. The public ballpark permit probably came after someone sued the city for falling down or something.
- Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:35 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Weekend almost incident
- Replies: 47
- Views: 4738
Re: Weekend almost incident
They make these guns in Clear Plastic and others colors, I think that would solve alot of the problems right there.