VoiceofReason wrote:Isn’t there a way to make these liars pay a price for their lies and propaganda?
Even though we are winning I get tired of these jerks trying to make all CHL holders look bad.
I realize this is protected by the 1st Amendment but what they are doing is wrong and they know it is wrong. They probably can’t be sued but maybe some full page ads in major newspapers calling them out as liars (and don’t be afraid to use the term “liars”) might slow them down.
I am serious about doing what is necessary to stop these people from spreading lies. Joseph Goebbels would not only be proud of them but could probably learn a few things.
They are doing everything they can to defame an entire class of people of which I am one.
We discuss (on this forum and elsewhere) how they twist the statistics to present the image of us they want to the public without actually lying, but no one is doing anything about it. Intentionally misrepresenting the truth is lying even if you are factually correct.
I lot of good men died young winning and keeping the rights we have but here we are playing softball with scum like this that would take them away.
Is the NRA or any state pro self protection groups planning to do anything about it?