chuck j wrote:You know after my last post soon as I quit foaming at the mouth about the open carry crowd I started thinking . You know what would be really impressive to voters / representatives / anyone you can name ? Get 500 to 2000 CHL holders to assemble in Huston , Austin or Dallas . Tell em in advance to wear regular clothes , no camo , no jack boots , nothing military like and have a peaceful march / gathering . Invite LEO's to join in . Have prayer asking the LORD to help our cause . Invite the public and their kids to see that CHL holders are just regular folks . Heck pass out balloons and free cokes , have signs praising local law enforcement . The biggest advantage we have is just being normal citizens .
After giving this more thought, I am convinced this is a fantastic idea. The anti’s are trying to paint an image of us that is as bad as possible and OCT obliges them every chance they get.
If we allow “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America” and “Everytown for Gun Safety” to control our image that the public sees, we can expect a pitched battle for generations. A demonstration such as this would be a huge boost in the right direction for our cause.
Occasionally I see conversations on this forum as to whether to tell people we have a CHL and carry. Personally I tell family and friends especially if I think they probably will find out sooner or later. Concealed means concealed but I don’t think the law means you can’t tell.
That’s what “Moms Demand” and “Everytown” want. They want you to give others the impression you are ashamed of carrying a gun.
I want people to know that some Volunteer Firemen carry guns. I want people to know that the guy next door who has been a good neighbor for years carries a gun. The man or woman doing volunteer work for the nonprofit humanitarian group carries a gun.
Maybe eventually these rallies will catch on in other states.