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by VoiceofReason
Fri May 11, 2012 7:35 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Gonna be gunfire in our cul-de-sac.
Replies: 40
Views: 3884

Re: Gonna be gunfire in our cul-de-sac.

RoyGBiv wrote:
VoiceofReason wrote:I think the next time they show up, the problem may be solved permanently.
Keith B wrote: I wouldn't call it premeditated, I would call it being prepared.
I don't want to argue semantics here, but if I was a juror and you came to me with the first statement posted to an internet forum by Mr. Reason, it would give serious weight to the argument that Mr. Reason planned to kill the dogs the next time he saw them, regardless of whether the dogs, at the time of the shooting, posed an immediate threat to anyone.

We here all know that it is very unlikely that Mr. Reason actually intended to infer this, but I could make an easy argument against him if he's gonna give me this as ammunition.

Let me take it one small step further... Let's replace "dog" with "annoying neighbor".
Just changing a noun.... The quote would then become...

"I think the next time that annoying neighbor shows up, the problem may be solved permanently."

If that neighbor showed up, and was subsequently shot and killed by Mr. Reason, what would a jury say about that statement?

Just my read... I understand many would disagree. No problem with that. Peace. :tiphat:

Apologies for the offtopic...
OK, let’s play that game.

Read my original post again. Nowhere in that post did I say I was going to shoot those dogs. I speculated that someone might shoot them. My position would be “I didn’t shoot them and I didn’t see who did”. I would imagine you would not find anyone in our neighborhood that saw anything regardless of who did what. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t even call to report anything if someone did take care of the problem.

Equating the shooting of a dog that shredded two pet cats and threatened my neighbors wife with an annoying neighbor just doesn’t get it. Any lawyer that tried to draw that analogy to a jury should probably seriously consider a career change. :lol:
by VoiceofReason
Thu May 10, 2012 7:45 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Gonna be gunfire in our cul-de-sac.
Replies: 40
Views: 3884

Re: Gonna be gunfire in our cul-de-sac.

RoyGBiv wrote:OP.... I suggest that you ask the mods to delete this thread.
One word... "Premeditated"

Sorry for your trouble. Hopefully it gets resolved without having to kill a poorly owned animal.
I appreciate the reply. I don’t think “premeditated” would apply in this instance. I simply stated that there are a few people in this area that will protect themselves and their families from harm by man or animal.

Clay had no delusions that a pellet gun would kill a pit-bull. He was hoping that by stinging the dog, it would run off allowing his wife to get out of the truck and into the house.

As far as a dog surviving two shotgun blasts, I am sure it could happen, depending on the gauge and size of shot. The first two in my 12 ga. is 3” 000 buck. The rest are 00 buck. It is hard to imagine man or animal surviving the first two. I got this gun for my wife. I worked swing shift for years and she was by herself at night sometimes. We had prowlers for a while. The neighbor lady solved the problem. Shot him with a twenty gauge. He lived but lost a lung. He will have a little harder time snorting coke now.

I truly hope those people do what is necessary to contain and control their animals and we don’t have any more problems. My fear is for the little ones.
by VoiceofReason
Thu May 10, 2012 3:30 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Gonna be gunfire in our cul-de-sac.
Replies: 40
Views: 3884

Gonna be gunfire in our cul-de-sac.

I have an idea there will be gunfire in our cul-de-sac soon. I have a neighbor (Clay) that lives two doors to my left. He and his family are good people. He was telling me Tuesday that two pit-bulls came into the cul-de-sac that day while I was at work. He said one had a head “the size of a cinder block”. They shredded the cat that belongs to my next door neighbors on my right. Clay’s wife was about to leave and she yelled at them about 60 feet away then she had to jump in her truck and close the door quick because they went after her.

Clay grabbed his son’s pellet rifle, stepped out the front door and popped one. That just made it mad and they went for him. He jumped back inside the front door and they eventually left. My neighbor on my left had to shoot the cat because it was still alive.

Clay went and bought a shotgun and he is going to buy a pistol. I am going to give him a little gun safety/ maintenance info and help him select a pistol.

We had almost the exact same situation with two pit-bulls about a year ago but they killed a cat and not just left it mangled but alive. The SO and county animal control was notified the last time, picked the dogs up and the woman got them back. :mad5 Small children play in our cul-de-sac. I think the next time they show up, the problem may be solved permanently.

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