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by VoiceofReason
Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:32 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......
Replies: 26
Views: 4851

Re: Sorry I pulled out in front of you.......

I would have had my son call 911, pulled over, stopped and had my son get in the floor. Had this fool stopped, got out, or even rolled down the window he would have been looking down the barrel of my Kimber.

He was putting your life and the life of your son in danger not to mention the lives of other people on the streets.

I would not recognize a “local sports hero" and I would not care. I would not have taken any chances with this lunatic.

rule #1, attempting to flee/not escalating the situation is fine for minor situations as long as you don’t endanger yourself or others while attempting to flee. This fool escalated the situation. I would have “de-escalated” it.

This was more than reckless driving. It was attempted assault.

I hope I never have to use my gun, but I will only go so far to avoid it.

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