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by VoiceofReason
Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:21 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: New CHL requirements???
Replies: 102
Views: 12600

Re: New CHL requirements???

“I personally watched a gal pass the shooting test who had never fired a pistol before and could not load the hand gun her brother loaned her to take the test.”

How did she pass? I thought it was a competency test, not just a shooting test. If she could not reload she would not have passed the class I took.

“I promise you, if that woman ever starts firing in self defense, not only will she shoot your wife, she will shoot me, you, God, the ceiling, the floor, the left and right waiters....and maybe even herself before she ever hits the intended target.”

That’s damn scary. I could have gone all day without you telling me that.
by VoiceofReason
Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:08 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: New CHL requirements???
Replies: 102
Views: 12600

Re: New CHL requirements???

03Lightningrocks wrote:
VoiceofReason wrote:Just my opinion.

I feel a little better knowing that other people with a CHL have some knowledge of how to use it, when not to, and can put most of the rounds where they intend to.
So basically you believe the second amendment only applies to a select segment of the population? Of which the qualifications just happen to include you? :headscratch I see now. Thanks...I was confused about what the RKBA was really all about.

I happen to believe that the RKBA is applicable to all the people. Not just a chosen few. My fear is that if I go along with the chosen few thinking because I am one of them, I may eventually cease to be one of the chosen few.
I don’t believe I said anything about the second amendmentright to own a firearm, just those with a CHL.
I feel a little better that a person with a Texas CHL is a little less likely to shoot my wife by accident when protecting themselves against a criminal.
by VoiceofReason
Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:22 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: New CHL requirements???
Replies: 102
Views: 12600

Re: New CHL requirements???

Just my opinion.

I feel a little better knowing that other people with a CHL have some knowledge of how to use it, when not to, and can put most of the rounds where they intend to.

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