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by VoiceofReason
Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:51 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

For those whose curiosity about why I actually carry two guns and can shoot equally well left handed or right handed must be satisfied, I am disabled and at times I may not be able to get to my Kimber with my right hand. I can also shoot as well sitting down as most people can standing up. :fire
by VoiceofReason
Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:29 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

03Lightningrocks choose to blow off the part about not carrying half cocked, the part about damaging the firearm and the part about not carrying a round chambered???? They plainly tell you your wrong. Make of it what you want.

PS I forgot to point out one more flaw in your choice of carry. You cannot engage the thumb safety when the gun is "half cocked".
Further discussion of this topic is pointless. You are not going to convince me I am wrong in the way I carry and I do not intend to convince you the way you carry is wrong.

Yes I do “choose to blow off the part about not carrying half cocked” and “the part about damaging the firearm”. Why are you so concerned about me damaging my firearm? I check it on a regular basis and if I do damage it I think I can afford to have it repaired. If it cannot be repaired I can afford to pay the $1200.00 to replace it at any time, with no problem. As a matter of fact I could buy another one exactly like it to carry while it is being repaired.

Read my post again. I do carry one in the chamber and I am aware you cannot engage the safety with it on half cock. I don’t need to. I will repeat, I check it on a regular basis with “snap caps” in it to make sure the hammer will not fall when I pull the trigger with it on “half cock”.

As far as having to use it quickly, I practice cocking it to “full cock” as I draw it with “snap caps” in it on a regular basis also.

You sir do not know me or anything about me. You do not know why I actually carry two guns and can shoot equally well left handed or right handed.

As I stated further discussion of this topic is pointless. I do not have to justify the way I carry to you or anyone else and I do not expect anyone else to justify the way they carry to me.
:bigmouth :mad5
by VoiceofReason
Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:50 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

vinnier6 wrote:if your dont have a round in the chamber while you carry, your wrong...period....if you dont want to experience an acidental discharge, dont put your finger on the trigger until you want to shoot....its just that simple.
And your qualifications that make you an authority?

I carry eight in the clip, one in the chamber and on “half cock” for which I have been criticized.

I realize some people are not comfortable carrying one in the chamber but I would not presume to tell them they are wrong. As long as a person carries safely, it is a personal decision how they carry.
by VoiceofReason
Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:27 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

Page 4:
Always store and carry this product empty, with
the hammer forward on an empty chamber.
Failure to do so could result in an unintentional

Page 6:
Safe Carrying Condition: Never carry this pistol
cocked, loaded and ready to fire as this practice
could easily result in an unintentional discharge.
Do not carry a loaded gun with a live round in
the chamber while walking, running or crossing
any obstacle, where there is any possibility of
slipping or falling as this could lead to a
possible unintentional discharge.

Back of manual:

"Officer injured in accidental shooting at West Valley school
According to Sgt. Lisa Mendoza, with the Tolleson Police Department, Officer Ray Granillo's gun discharged while it was still in the holster sometime after 12:30 p.m."

We had one police officer in Houston involved in an automobile accident who’s gun discharged when his car was struck by another car.

We had another officer in Houston who accidently shot his horse. I assume his gun was holstered “cocked and locked”.

This discussion could go on for years with each person finding documentation to support his/her preference.

In a prior post I described the method I use to lower the hammer to the “half cock” position with a round in the chamber. I believe it is a safe method. I also check all functions of my Kimber on a regular basis. I believe it comes down to a matter of preference.
by VoiceofReason
Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

seamusTX wrote:
VoiceofReason wrote:... does anyone know of any insurance a CHL holder can purchase that would provide legal representation if needed?
Search this forum for That will get you a bunch of threads about that company and some others.

I have no opinion on such insurance.

- Jim
Thanks Jim. I will check it out. :tiphat:
by VoiceofReason
Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:52 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

To skiprr
I appreciate your welcome and your thanks. You are the only person to ever have thanked me for my LEO service.

In my original post I stated what feels right for me and that I place safety paramount. I do not believe I have ever criticized anyone for the way they carry. As long as one carries as safely as possible he/she can’t go wrong.

On another subject, does anyone know of any insurance a CHL holder can purchase that would provide legal representation if needed? I hope never to have to display my firearm let alone use it, but I would like to have legal representation if I do, without losing everything I have. :bigear:
by VoiceofReason
Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:05 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

Thanks. :tiphat:
by VoiceofReason
Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:50 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

dicion: who makes your 1911s? The one on the left looks like my Kimber Pro CDP. The one on the right looks like a sweet carry.

As you can tell, I haven’t been posting on this forum very long. I just found it. How do you post pictures?
by VoiceofReason
Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:58 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

To dicion: I have had my 1911 for over a year. I leave it with a full clip, one in the chamber and on half cock all the time. I check it on a regular basis and have seen no sign of it falling from half cock. Should it ever develop that problem I will find out about it with the chamber empty or with a “snap cap” it it.

As for chambering a round and placing it on half cock, I place a loaded clip in the gun, pull and release the slide, place my handkerchief or other cloth under the hammer and slowly lower the hammer to the half cock position. I then remove the clip, place one more round in it and put it back in the gun. If I am doing this at home, I place my Kevlar vest on the bed and go through this sequence with the muzzle pointed at it. If at the range I go through the sequence with the muzzle pointed down range.

I am 63 years old. My father gave me my first shotgun at the age of 12 and taught me gun safety and hunting. I have worn a Sherriff’s Department badge and carried an S&W 357 in a belt holster. I have had many guns and have never had an accidental discharge. I intend to keep it that way until I die and my son inherits my guns.

Thanks for the advice but with the Kimber you don’t have to let the hammer all the way down then pull it back. You can lower it to half cock directly from full cock and if you release the trigger right after you start to lower the hammer and your thumb slips, the half cock position will catch the hammer.

“I was by a wise old man once told that you should never, ever, have to touch the hammer with your thumb on a 1911.”

I don’t know your definition of “old” but do I qualify?

By the way I love the term “Junior Member” by my name.
by VoiceofReason
Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: To Chamber or not to Chamber?
Replies: 180
Views: 24638

Re: To Chamber or not to Chamber?

This is my first post on this forum. I have been reading other posts and this seems to be a good source of information for CHL holders.

I have a big problem with carrying “cocked and locked”. I carry a Kimber Pro CDP with one in the chamber and the hammer at “half cock”. You can pull the trigger all day and the hammer will not fall from half cock. You can cock the hammer as you draw from the holster and even if you should accidently pull the trigger while doing so the hammer will not drop until the grip safety is squeezed.

I carry a 32 Beretta “Tomcat” in a pocket holster with one in the chamber. It is double action on the first shot but you really have to pull the trigger hard. The holster prevents you from putting your finger in the trigger guard while drawing it.

I believe I have found a good compromise between speed and safety.

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