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by drjoker
Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:07 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Replies: 23
Views: 4888


dubya wrote:"Two big gangstas hid in the bushes in front of his home and jumped him with guns pointed at his head as he was leaving the front door to his home."

Would a CHL (carrying) help here? Could someone typically react quickly enough for this? We probably need more info.
This happened in Garland. Yes, you would have time to react. Between the home's front door and the car, there are a good 20 steps. The two gangstas walked 10 steps from the sidewalk towards him, acting like they wanted to ask him something. I would've positioned myself so that I'm not surrounded by sidestepping. I would've put my hand in my pocket with the gun in the pocket, turned with the gun pocket a little further from the other person than the rest of my body, and said firmly, "Stop. What do you want?!" while they were still walking up to me. This tactical stance would make most perps leave and look for easier targets.

There's no legit reason why 2 strangers should approach you in a manner that would surround you. When you see that, you should react tactically.

Anyways, I think the idea to say, "My friend so and so got a CHL," is a good idea. Thanks.
by drjoker
Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:37 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Replies: 23
Views: 4888


My maid's husband got carjacked in front of their home. Two big gangstas hid in the bushes in front of his home and jumped him with guns pointed at his head as he was leaving the front door to his home. They got away with about $600 in cash and also stole his van. I want to tell him to get a gun, but I can't because I don't want to advertise that I have a CHL. My maid has a really big mouth, loves to exaggerate, and embellish. If I tell her I have a CHL, she'll probably tell everyone in town that I'm a mercenary gun nut who loves to shoot people while wearing a cape and red underwear outside my pants. Maybe I should just write my maid and her husband an anonymous letter suggesting that they get a CHL. What do you think I should do, guys?

Keep your guard up, especially in parking lots. :patriot: :txflag:

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