Dude, remember that apartments have lots of other people who will have key access to your apartment such as; handyman, a/c guy, exterminator, landlord, etc. Even if they do not steal, if they spot a safe, they could tell their friends who'll tell their friends and one of them could be a thief. Just store all your guns (other than your daily carry gun) with trusted family members and friends who have a bolted down gun safe. Keep your daily carry gun with you at all times. Just do some favors for your friends and family every once in awhile to show your appreciation. I "hardened" my dad's and my best friend's house with ballistic glass and steel door/doorways to prevent theft of their guns (since I own zero guns as I've given them all to them).03Lightningrocks wrote:If I were in a second story or higher apartment, I would probably concentrate on hardening the entry.
Once, I felt that my apartment didn't feel right. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it just didn't feel right. So, I left the webcam on my computer on and left the apartment. I came home and hit fast forward/play. To my surprise, the handyman came inside and my dog was wagging his tail. The handyman slipped my dog a treat sat down and watched my TV. Then, he ate a cookie from my cookie jar and left!
I brought it to the attention of the landlord and she said that it is just procedure to check up on the place once a month, "Don't worry." The truth was that he stopped by every day to enjoy my roommate's big screen TV.
Bottom line, don't store anything of value at an apartment.