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by ExMarlboroMan
Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:23 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today
Replies: 16
Views: 2199

Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today


Have you ever owned a Pit bull?

The german sheppard is a very respectable, trainable, and useful animal under proper ownership.
If you take a German Shepherd* and put him under poor, abusive care what will happen to that specific dog?

I respect your opinion but judging something or someone before you get to know them is ignorant. My wife came across our Pit Bull in a parking lot of Walmart when he was 9 weeks old. She couldn't tell what type of dog he was but she took him in anyway. After a month or two it was apparent what he was but by then she was already very attached to him. Now our Pit Bull is 6 years old and is, no doubt the BEST dog we have ever had. So tell me, do we have a Pit Bull as an ego booster?
by ExMarlboroMan
Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:24 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today
Replies: 16
Views: 2199

Re: Bitten (sort of) by a dog today

markthenewf wrote:Why do people keep war dogs? Seriously. You're so very uncool for being so unresponsible. And I have a news flash: if ever theres a problem, you're up the creek because nobody is going to believe your pit bull (or whatever is the perfect killer breed of the decade) is a beloved family pet that was goaded into attacking the girl scout selling cookies.

Oh yeah, and if my loveable border-collie mix mutt dog bit someone, that'd be the end of it.

You my friend have alot to learn!

Blame the owner, not the breed. Could have been ANY breed of dog.

I've been in the A/C (HVAC) business all my life, going into peoples houses with them home as well as not home everyday. ALL dogs need to be put up where they do NOT have the ability to reach me. I have been bitten by one dog, A poodle, who the owner specifically said wouldn't bite me. Now I require all dogs be secured.

I AM A dog person, and have several in my home, and one at my shop. Pit bulls are NOT "war dogs", that is hilarious. They have a bad rep from idiots who have either trained them to be mean or neglected them. I can go on if you wish.

My wife is a VERY PROMINENT dog trainer here in Houston, and guess what, we own a PIT BULL and a GERMAN SHEPHERD !

To the OP, ALWAYS make sure the animal cannot get to you or interfere with your work. Kids too, think of the liabilities that you may face if you go into someones house when only their child is home, or unsupervised around you!

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