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by kragluver
Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:18 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10184

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

I read a book that dealt with this once. I forget the title (it was loaned to me), but it was written by a former FBI profiler. It dealt with high profile, often unsolved murder cases. The author stated exactly as you did (above) about how we just cannot judge how a parent that has lost a child will react. In fact, it is those strange reactions that will oftentimes lead investigators to suspect a parent in the murder of the child (obviously not the case here). Two of his examples he mentioned were the Lindbergh kidnapping/murder and the Jon Benet Ramsey murder. In both of those cases, the fathers acted very strangely (sudden mood swings, etc) around the press and investigators and they were looked at very critically. The author stated just as others have said above - you simply cannot say how anyone including yourself would react to a shocking loss of this magnitude.

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