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- Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:04 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: The Three Headed Monster: A True Story
- Replies: 21
- Views: 6183
Re: The Three Headed Monster: A True Story
the system can fail anywhere. it is a human system afterall. the system failed my exwife years ago. my father and his g/f were splitting up and she walked into MY house to retrieve a dog that she had given us. there was a scuffle between her and my wife trying to retrieve our dog and the g/f recieved some scratches and she left. we called the cops and told them what happened and then went over to her place. the cops took my wifes info cause the g/f reported assault and showed the scratches. No one ever bothered with the fact she entered my house unauthorized and stole my property. The next week at 4am the sheriff's office arrested my wife and booked her for assault. after bailing her out and waiting for a year the judge tossed out the case but it still cost money and headache. Bottom line was my dad was on the sheriff''s department bad side after several incidents with them and they chose to take out their frustration on my wife and press fraudulent charges. Always make nice with the LEO in your area, it may bite you in the rear if you are on their bad side.