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by randomoutburst
Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:42 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Consequences For Holding A Bad Guy
Replies: 75
Views: 9645

Re: Consequences For Holding A Bad Guy

I don't think I would be comfortable holding a BG until police could arrive. Once I identify them as a threat, I'm drawing and then they have two choices: they can haul booty out of my house, or I can shoot them. It's one or the other. I'm too small to do much to another woman, much less a man, and even less to a determined attacker. If I feel threatened, I'm not taking chances.
Of course, if they get through two locked doors and my barred bedroom door, I'm probably not going to stop to assess a threat or give them time to choose to flee. If they're determined enough to do that, I'm not hanging around to see just HOW determined they are to do anything else.

Also, 03lightningrocks has the right idea - my vehicles are worth more to the insurance company than a potential buyer, so if someone wants to mess around with them...I'm just going to settle down with my robe and a cup of tea and wait for the police to get here. If I'm lucky, they'll arrive before the vandals/burglars leave and I get some entertainment, too!

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