viewtopic.php?f=83&t=36624&hilit=+holster" onclick=";return false;Right2Carry wrote:It's not a myth that "glock leg' happens.jmra wrote:So, the vast majority of LEO in the country can't walk and chew bubblegum at the same time? People who blame a Glock every time someone shoots themselves are not only perpetuating a myth about glocks and striker fired weapons, they are also revealing their ignorance of firearms.Right2Carry wrote:You're certainly entitled to your opinion but it doesn't make it fact. IMHO Glocks are for people who can't walk and chew bubblegum at the same time.jmra wrote:like I said, if you don't know jack about firearms you need a manual safety.Right2Carry wrote:I don't know if it was or wasn't hence the smiley. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it turns out to be one.jmra wrote:First I've heard that it was a Glock, but if it was, not the Glocks fault. People who don't know how to handle firearms need a gun with a manual safety.Right2Carry wrote:darn Glocks.:-) ... p/4666967/" onclick=";return false;
This is due to reholstering with the finger on the trigger.
With open carry starting soon it is not a bad time for us to be remembering this important item.