One of my favorite scenes in Law and Order was a guy who wouldn't confess, so the DA threatened to allow his extradition to Texas where the defendant was wanted for capital murder. The guy immediately confessed to the murder in New York, so he wouldn't get sent to Texas.cb1000rider wrote:barres wrote:"Which one isn't factual?"
"The nation's busiest gas chamber."
We don't have a gas chamber. I have been in the death chamber, and, as I'm sure we all know, we use lethal injection.
I don't get that one either, even assuming they were just talking about capital punishment.. CA has more people on death row.
They might have been referring to the most people executed, in which case Texas is winning.
We use lethal injection for now... Maybe not much longer...
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Return to “9 reasons why Texas is the worst state in the union”
- Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:55 pm
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- Topic: 9 reasons why Texas is the worst state in the union
- Replies: 22
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Re: 9 reasons why Texas is the worst state in the union
- Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:14 pm
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- Topic: 9 reasons why Texas is the worst state in the union
- Replies: 22
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Re: 9 reasons why Texas is the worst state in the union
suthdj wrote:Love the comments.
- Tue Dec 16, 2014 9:30 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: 9 reasons why Texas is the worst state in the union
- Replies: 22
- Views: 5056
9 reasons why Texas is the worst state in the union ... paign=fbus" onclick=";return false;
Ran into this on the internet. Enjoy.
Ran into this on the internet. Enjoy.