I went to SeattleGuns to see what they were saying. (kinda funny how we are all the same, could have been here)RoyGBiv wrote:Apparently Spokane is fairly libertarian and public outcry is supporting the students.
http://www.examiner.com/article/gonzaga ... -president" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Here was a good comment:
"Fortunately contract law prohibits you from being able to sign away your rights. The university was acting as a landlord on off campus housing, and the student a tenant. Landlords can't make you sign away your tenant rights/civil rights, e.g. owning firearms."
They pointed out it was a private University. I did not know it was a Catholic University. Another comment was that since the University was the landlord they were not providing adequate security for their residents.
The article above also pointed out that some one keeps the members of the mayors who are against guns on a list and sees how they are doing election wise. Seattle's mayor is on that list and he is leaving.