I pretend I don't like country music, but there always will be a special place in my heart for Johnny Horton.
He was killed in a car accident in Milano, Texas in 1960.
Thanks for this thread and all the posts. I listened to many of the songs again thank you.
For me I have many songs that speak to me. But more than speak to me they tag a memory. I hear the song and I am transported in time to a point I remember hearing the song. Maybe not the first time but to a time it was significant in my life. I see the room I was in, the people I was with, the image and the feeling of that time and place stay with me for the song. Not every song I hear does that, but when they do it is like time travel.
Harry Chapin, he died in a car accident, rear ended by a truck in fog. Yeah we all wished we had spent more time with our children. Imagine, some of the greatest lyrics ever written.
Layla by Eric Clapton has stayed with me my whole life. Other songs have come and gone, but this one has stayed. Not sure why. Maybe because it is about the blues. Clapton was in love with his best friend's wife, Patti Boyd. His best friend was George Harrison of the Beatles. So he could only pine about the love he would never have. Patti ended up marrying Eric years later. Patti has the distinction of having three famous rock songs written about her. George Harrison's "Something" who Frank Sinatra felt was the greatest love song ever written, "Layla" and "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton.