I have some what been supportive of this lady, sticking to her convictions, going to jail in support of the first amendment, etc. However.thenick_ttu wrote:gigag04 wrote:My advice to te officer and the woman, is to pick your battles carefully.
On the other hand, making a police officer's job harder is really not in her best interest. Serve and Protect. Today that officer was making a little revenue for the city, which keeps her taxes low, but he was also keeping the traffic from being out of control. Without the police writing a few tickets everyday, traffic would probably go insane. Nobody likes traffic tickets, but it makes us all better drivers, whether we like it or not.
No doubt this same lady, hearing a strange noise at night, will be the first to call 911 to come out and investigate, probably at no time seeing the irony of how she picks her battles.