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by philip964
Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:45 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: violates rule 4, Marine dead
Replies: 14
Views: 2466

Re: violates rule 4, Marine dead

philip964 wrote: ... 01228.html

Gandpa took his grandson hunting in Oregon and taught his grandson what not to do.

Marine was hiking with a friend. Only crime wearing dark clothes.

I don't know about hunting bear. I always figured you were hunting something else and had to save your life. Is there a bear hunting season, so hikers would know to wear orange vests?

Every time this sort of thing happens, its just more ammunition for the anti gun people.

There was not an attempt on my part to blame the Marine for any liability for his death, I guess my sarcasm may not have been recognized. My apologies for not being clear and making small light of what is a tragic incident.

I did notice this weekend a photo of Rick Perry hunting in Iowa. It showed he was wearing a coat that was made with yellow patches on the shoulders. Not sure even that would have saved this poor man.
by philip964
Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:08 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: violates rule 4, Marine dead
Replies: 14
Views: 2466

violates rule 4, Marine dead ... 01228.html" onclick=";return false;

Gandpa took his grandson hunting in Oregon and taught his grandson what not to do.

Marine was hiking with a friend. Only crime wearing dark clothes.

I don't know about hunting bear. I always figured you were hunting something else and had to save your life. Is there a bear hunting season, so hikers would know to wear orange vests?

Every time this sort of thing happens, its just more ammunition for the anti gun people.


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