Seems a lot of commentary by sheeple about people who carry, revolves around their belief that honest citizens have no reason to carry.
When Erik Scott was killed in Las Vegas, many people (not on this forum) commented that he had no reason to carry in the Costco and he deserved to die because he carried.
This news story in Houston passed quickly without not much notice, it was about a bystander who was killed by robbers at a
convenience/gas station during a robbery. Sheeple probably felt he deserved to die too, not because he was carrying (he wasn't), but because he refused to follow the criminals instructions or he resisted or did something else to cause his death. In other words it was his fault he died. This mentality helps with their belief system that normal honest sheeple are not murdered everyday in their world. ... 62224.html" onclick=";return false;
The story includes grainy/jumpy video from the shooting and shows a killing of an innocent bystander who just happened to be in the wrong place
at the wrong time.
Many times posters here have made the statement that they will not let the criminals dictate their future and they will immediately draw and defend themselves if armed men burst into a store they are in. Some of us (me included) worry that this puts them in harm's way, and "what if" the criminals just left us alone and just robbed the store and left.
Here is a case where they did not.
But there is one other thing you should notice from the video that you probably did not understand. The robbers killed the bystander, but they did not harm the clerk, who is normally the object of their violence.
Notice the clerk is surrounded by a bullet resistant plexiglas enclosure on all sides. It is nearly invisible in the video. As the video starts the clerk does not turn over the money, but after the customer is shot he then quickly empties the drawer and gives the cash to the robbers. They leave him unharmed. They never shoot at him or breach his enclosure.
I suspect our robbers found the clerk uncooperative when asked for the money as afterall he is protected by the plexiglas enclosure. I suspect our bystander was an innocent pawn in a conversation that could have been something like "we will kill your customer, if you don't give us the money", I suspect our clerk did not believe them and they had to prove they were the bad dudes they were. After their vicious murder, the clerk probably then turned the money over as they theatened to take the booth apart and kill him too.
So to those of you who have made the comment that you will not let criminals dictate your future. Here you were exactly correct, better to go down fighting than end up like a sheep.
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- by philip964
- Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:07 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Another reason to carry
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1600
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