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by philip964
Thu Oct 24, 2024 5:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: I Voted!... (Non Political)
Replies: 15
Views: 5020

Re: I Voted!... (Non Political)

Voted first day. Line was very long but moved fast. 45 minutes reaching end of line to walking out front door. All touch screen with printing out my final ballot, taking it to a spot where it is scanned and dropped into a I presume secure container for a recount or auditing purposes. Seemed very efficient and well run.

Apparently the Republicans won some kind of coin toss as all their candidates were listed first.

I was concerned if touch screens broke from repeated use as the same spot was used on every race for the R or the D vote.

My first touch didn’t automatically register a vote. I had to very my touch length to get it to register. Never got it on the first try.

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