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by R_Comstock
Sun Nov 29, 2009 9:05 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Man Investigating Noises Outside Shot by Police
Replies: 14
Views: 2365

Re: Man Investigating Noises Outside Shot by Police

surprise_i'm_armed wrote:Yes, we can all criticize what this gentleman did wrong.

Let's keep in mind that this man's neighbors said he was a good man.

The family of Nidal Hasan said the same thing.

The point of this thread is not so much to criticize, but to learn from his mistakes. Perhaps that's been lost on some folks reading this thread (myself included) because much of what occurred is considered common sense by most of us here.
by R_Comstock
Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:10 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Man Investigating Noises Outside Shot by Police
Replies: 14
Views: 2365

Re: Man Investigating Noises Outside Shot by Police

Beiruty wrote:There is one big mystery, who is that smart person who picks up a BB gun to defend his family, investigate "noises". Was his BB gun loaded? is it the kind of 1-shot, or multiple BB with CO2 can?
Someone who wants to act big and macho but doesn't have the first clue on how to defend himself. Quite unfortunate this happened. I own an airsoft replica of a Glock 17 and it looks and feels real except for the little strip of orange paint on the muzzle. I don't ever carry it unless I'm repelling stray cats or actively involved in an "airsoft war." Perhaps they should go back to 'safety coloring' them.
karder wrote: Whatever is out there is gonna have to come to me.
seamusTX has this issue nailed. "Force the enemy to come to you, uphill, on ground that you know."

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