The only place I have seen posted correctly that I go to is the Gunshow! Go Figurenitrogen wrote:Also, realise what 30.06 actually does. In a way it's a blessing in disguise.
Chances are, your company handbook's language banning weapons does not meet the requirements of 30.06. What this means is, while you can still be fired for carrying a weapon on company property, you cannot be brought up on charges for it. If it's worth it to you to risk that, you can.
Also, I'm lucky, as nowhere i've wanted to go has been properly posted. Only one place is posted at all, and it's my vet's office. I won't give my money willingly to any company posted properly.
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- Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:24 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: What is the point of CHL?
- Replies: 39
- Views: 6306