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by psehorne
Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:03 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Range Safety Violations
Replies: 34
Views: 6122

Re: Range Safety Violations

austinrealtor wrote:psehorne, you are a wonderful grandpa :tiphat:
Thank you austinrealtor....

to the grand kids I am Grand Paul.... hee, hee, hee...
by psehorne
Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:14 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Range Safety Violations
Replies: 34
Views: 6122

Re: Range Safety Violations

I've been teaching my grandsons firearm safety at home. First with an airsoft replica of a Sig P229 (full size metal full weight, slide recoil and all). I drilled them over and over (not just oral instructions, but actual physical drills) on finger off the trigger, point at target, finger on trigger, finger off trigger, point at ground in front of you, repeat.... No matter how many time you tell someone orally it doesn't build muscle memory.... Once they 'almost' had the hang of it we repeated with one of my real pistols and snap caps... I had to repeatedly point out that they were keeping their finger on the trigger.... Only after I said "I can NOT take you to the firing range until you demonstrate to me that you remove your finger from the trigger every time you remove the aim from the target." did they get the message.

After that they both demonstrated repeatedly that they have formed the good habit. In the fact the youngest (9 years) is very, very consistent in picking up the pistol properly (with finger indexed on the frame above the trigger guard), pointing in a safe direction, and only putting the finger on the trigger as the aim goes down range, and removing the finger from the trigger as soon as the aim is removed from the target.

Even with this demonstration of good safe handling. The first few shots at the range I only allow one bullet in the pistol at a time for the first two or three shots until I confirm once again that the training has stuck. I never put more than one round in the pistol with a new shooter until I see confirmation that the safety habit is ingrained in muscle.

I followed this same procedure with my 35 year old daughter - safety instruction at home first, repetitive drilling of picking up the gun and handing it to me with the finger off the trigger and pointed in a safe direction.... over and over... before we ever set foot on a range - and then only one bullet at at time until I am convinced the training is ingrained.

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