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by Crapshoot
Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:45 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?
Replies: 37
Views: 3974

Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?

Purplehood wrote:LOL. Geeze, I need to clarify. I don't support communists, or poison-kool-aid drinkers or any of the other bizarre things some folks are spouting off about. What I am saying is that Bush appointed similar individuals with differing titles. I realize this is okay since he was "your guy", and I am not equating those appointees with the Obama-bunch. I am saying that what is being done appointment-wise has precedent and is within the scope of his powers until and unless it is challenged in SCOTUS.

Like I said He ain't my guy, but if I had to choose........
by Crapshoot
Tue Sep 08, 2009 3:16 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?
Replies: 37
Views: 3974

Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?

Purplehood wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
AEA wrote:Where does "The Chosen One" get the money to pay these 30+ Czars and how much do they make for doing nothing?

I don't know how much they make, but just look in the mirror and you can see where the money comes from. Oduma is dangerous. He is using Czars to usurp Government procedures that are in place to protect Americans from corrupt politicians.

Oduma is the single biggest threat to democracy this country has ever faced. We are in seriously dark times folks.
You do realize that President Bush had a Czar or two also?
Just so I'm clear about this. I am no bush fan. Way I see he dropped the ball on a lot of stuff he was elected to follow thru on. But the folks he had around him were only just a bunch of yes men. Nothing like the nutjobs Barry's surronded himself with. These folks are those creepy lookin villans with the overside top hat and long curly mustache who can't seem to get "world domination" off the brain. Have you ever seen the movie V for Vendetta. In the movie things are a bit furher along but its erie how strongly similar the 2 governments seem to run. He's already talked about wanting to start up his on "national police force". The obvious contempt for this country on behalf of Barry and his cronies can't be overlooked anymore.

P.s. If I mispelled "cronies", I'm sorry I'm not a dictionary.
by Crapshoot
Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:28 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?
Replies: 37
Views: 3974

Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?

Purplehood wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
AEA wrote:Where does "The Chosen One" get the money to pay these 30+ Czars and how much do they make for doing nothing?

I don't know how much they make, but just look in the mirror and you can see where the money comes from. Oduma is dangerous. He is using Czars to usurp Government procedures that are in place to protect Americans from corrupt politicians.

Oduma is the single biggest threat to democracy this country has ever faced. We are in seriously dark times folks.
You do realize that President Bush had a Czar or two also?
Name 1 that was a self proclaimed communist, or thought it was a good idea to put sterilants in the drinking water, or thought they had the authority and right to regulate the income of top business execs.
by Crapshoot
Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:42 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?
Replies: 37
Views: 3974

Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?

pdubyoo wrote:
casingpoint wrote:The Obama administration is going up in smoke. Van Jones is just the first big puff.
The incinerator will have all the burners lit in November 2010 :mad5 , and will reach peak temp in November 2012 (or sooner) :evil2: .
Fingers crossed... :willynilly:
by Crapshoot
Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:23 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?
Replies: 37
Views: 3974

Re: Van Jones Resigns - Are these Obama's views as well?

Yeah no way does his holiness depart of his accord out of the kindness of his heart for the good of the "administration". There was some suggestive conversation go'n on guaranteed. And you know he was vetted good. There are just to many lefty nutjobs in good o'l Barry's corner for them all to be just a few folks who "fell through the cracks". Completely deliberate. But 1 has gotta wonder if all these circus shows aren't just an elaborate scam to consistantly keep folks off guard. Too keep their attention off the real wack jobs in the house and the senate and off these giant sphincter destroying bills that everyone seems too busy to read. These distractions, or better known as pawns, are just throw away pieces expendable and disposable. Obviously its not working all that well but affording them common sense would be a contradiction of terms.

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