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by Aladinbama
Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:34 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

Sorry to be so brief, but this is one club that bellonging to is sort of like being home sick from work - you're not having to work, but you're not really enjoying the day off either. I'd go into details, but that has been done in the April section - you all have a great time I'm :leaving
Oh, and to those here, Good Luck, WRITE THE GOVERNOR - His office was the only one to really help me - Rick's status went WAY up as far as I'm concerned (as an educator I never thought I would ever say that).
Take Care All :coolgleamA:
by Aladinbama
Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:05 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

lonewolf wrote:The 100+ club's ranks are being decimated as we speak.......That's a good thing!!!! :tiphat:

Perhaps a mass Wally Walk!!!!
There's no safer place to shop in :txflag:
Just can't wait to join the ranks :reddevil
by Aladinbama
Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:14 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

lonewolf wrote:It happened!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Less than 60 days!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

I can't officially be in this forum, but I'm trying to give you folks some hope that the DPS is getting the lead out (so to speak :biggrinjester: )
You know, if mine comes in the mail today (and I'm pretty sure it won't), I would only have 86+ days on you :mrgreen:
It kind of makes me wish I would have waited until July to send in my application, I'd probably have my license by now (naw, knowing my luck it would be Christmas before I got it - you know, the official last person from July to get theirs). I know I'm getting close to the last person from April :grumble
Who knows, maybe one thing in this process will go well and my license will be in the mail today.
by Aladinbama
Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:07 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

Coffeyc wrote:Application Completed - license issued or certificate active

Whoo Hoo.
Finally, I am in the same boat, my status has officially changed.
I only had to wait a week and a half from being called by phone and notified. Maybe it will be here when I get home today or in the mail tomorrow - Monday there's NO delivery.
The wait continues, although feeling a little more comfy :txflag:
Final celebrations to come :woohoo
by Aladinbama
Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:27 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

carbon-14 wrote:
USA1 wrote:
Aladinbama wrote:I'm still here :waiting:
are you holding down the fort . :txflag:
holding down the fort as well; hopefully i will receive mine tomorrow..... keeping my fingers, toes, hairs crossed :bigear:
Yeah, I guess I am. I'm glad I'm not solo - it seems most of the April bunch is gone :cryin
I had a slight heart rate increase today. The wife called me saying there was a USPS sticker on the door - adult signature required - I guess this might be the first time I wasn't completely excited a rifle was delivered, I was hoping it was "THE PLASTIC" :rolll Heck, the rifle wasn't paid for until this past Monday and the copy of my FFL wasn't faxed until later that evening - THE RIFLE IS HERE, WHERE'S MY LICENSE? :mrgreen:
Oh, and I've got things crossed adult men aren't suppose to cross :lol:: I hope it helps :roll:
by Aladinbama
Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:56 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

I'm still here :waiting:
by Aladinbama
Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:11 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

joe817 wrote:
Utopia54 wrote:I called and mine had been sent out for printing. I agree it seems they have finally had a bowel movement. :smilelol5:
"rlol" :lol: :smilelol5: I laughed so hard I spewed coke on my computer screen. 'scuse me while I clean it up.
I didn't spew, but the visual is ... well, :smilelol5:
They batch the printing, at least we're ... together - :grouphug awwwww
by Aladinbama
Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:58 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

Aladinbama wrote: Actual day 128, but due to having to explain a "self-reported" FELONY arrest I supposedly (but didn't) put on my application, I think I'm reset to day 3 AGAIN. The actual arrest was a misdemeanor that I pled guilty to being a Youthful Offender too and yes, because I'm honest and stupid I put it on the application - I didn't want them to have a reason to deny me (lying on application).
Of course since the City of Decatur, County of Morgan, and the State of Alabama did what they were suppose to and destroyed all records of my "juvenile misdemeanor offense" when I turned 21, I bet this CHL license process is going to be a fun one.
I sent in all the records my lawyer sent me and a copy of my current FFL License. Hopefully, that should expedite this process a bit.
I have a feeling this is going to be a loonnngggg wait!
I guess it worked :cheers2: They received the information regarding the arrest "they" questioned last Thursday along with my 03 FFL. I also emailed the director Saturday (and CC'd the Governor's Chief of Staff) a response to his email to me about why it was taking soo long to process my application (basically typical DPS talk) and included information regarding my 03 FFL. There is no way they could have checked out ALL the information I sent them in the short amount of time since (it had to be the FFL and the email to the director that cleared me). This morning I received a phone call from the tech that has been "dealing with me" regularly and she told me that my application was completed and it should take no more than a week to further print and deliver my license (my thoughts are more like two).
Anyway, it'll crack day 140, but hopefully the end is in sight. If you haven't, email your representatives (although mine were a bust) and it wouldn't hurt to email the Governor's office. Explain the law, your rights, and DPS not allowing you the right to protect your family as granted by the State of Texas. Be respectful, but firm (I was going to start cranky and demanding this Friday).
My Pre-celebration -
:woohoo :thewave :woohoo
by Aladinbama
Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:09 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

Dexdahex wrote:Day 122.. :waiting: Just waiting for the grass to grow and the paint to dry... :leaving

Major Congrats are in order for those April CHL ers... :thumbs2: Maybe soon it will happen for me... :txflag:
Actual day 128, but due to having to explain a "self-reported" FELONY arrest I supposedly (but didn't) put on my application, I think I'm reset to day 3 AGAIN. The actual arrest was a misdemeanor that I pled guilty to being a Youthful Offender too and yes, because I'm honest and stupid I put it on the application - I didn't want them to have a reason to deny me (lying on application).
Of course since the City of Decatur, County of Morgan, and the State of Alabama did what they were suppose to and destroyed all records of my "juvenile misdemeanor offense" when I turned 21, I bet this CHL license process is going to be a fun one.
I sent in all the records my lawyer sent me and a copy of my current FFL License. Hopefully, that should expedite this process a bit.
I have a feeling this is going to be a loonnngggg wait!

Oh, I would say "what kind of idiot do they think I am for self-reportimng a felony arrest while applying for a CHL", but I'm pretty sure it's probably been done, so I just leave it to someone misreading what I actually put on my application.
by Aladinbama
Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:20 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

Bulldog44 wrote:DAY 126 AND COUNTING :banghead:
Same here, 126 days and counting. I guess the only difference may be, they have me jumping through hoops and tap dancing and all kinds of silly things. The only thing that is going to keep me from feeling like a :biggrinjester: is the fact that eventually I should have a CHL. That is if THAT day EVER gets here :totap:
by Aladinbama
Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:41 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

lonewolf wrote:Generally speaking, its said that while men rule, women decide.
Our wives definitely have their hand on the pulse of our world. If the wife isn't happy, daddy isn't either. :smilelol5:
by Aladinbama
Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:25 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

Kevinf2349 wrote:
lonewolf wrote:Nothing in life is free......
...except advice from my wife on how to do things 'correctly'...that seems to be free, and plentiful too! "rlol"
Due to all the stuff I've heard lately who really knows anything about the timeline regarding my CHL license.
One thing I know for sure -
I'm in the same boat as Kevin!
by Aladinbama
Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:37 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

dicion wrote:The funny part is, theyre doing work they don't have to!
The level of the background check required is at their discretion. If they simply reduced it to a simple electronic check, then it wouldn't take more then a few seconds for each one, but, from what I've heard, theyre doing a LOT more detailed checks then they need to.
It sounds like you've been talking to DPS or that you've heard another "excuse". Also - honestly - do you really think they are doing work they don't have to? It almost seems (from reading much on this forum) that they create more work in efforts to delay issuing licenses - I've never seen so many trips from Houston to Dallas by way of El Paso before.
by Aladinbama
Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:47 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: 100+ Club
Replies: 455
Views: 65253

Re: 100+ Club

Rawb77 wrote:Letsee..130ish days...i stopped counting. More than double the legal time it would normally have taken for it to arrive.

Needless to say, DPS hiring more people to process CHL's is a job that Obama can irrefutably say that he "created"

hahaha :lol::
But did they really hire more people or just reassign them? It seems there was a quick surge of licenses issued from Harris County starting a few weeks ago - that could be accomplished by the person who is supposed to be assigned to BG checks (actually doing them) and 1 or maybe 2 others helping for a few days.
How long does it actually take to do a BG check? A long guesstimate, maybe 3 to 5 minutes top (if you really think about it, it should be typing a name and Lic or SS # in a database and hitting enter - what, on a slow computer, maybe 1 minute).
I know that I can walk into and out of a gun store with a new firearm in less than 30 (if they're not busy).

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