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by karder
Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Drug Test for Welfare
Replies: 36
Views: 6389

Re: Drug Test for Welfare

Times are hard and I can sympathize with the folks who have lost their jobs. Still, I think it is very bad to give people money, whether it is unemployment or welfare/wic or whatever, for nothing in return. It creates an mindset of entitlement. I believe that the government should create public works projects and anyone who is receiving welfare should have to earn the benefits by working in a government assigned job. It would not be perfect, but at least the taxpayer would be getting some kind of return on their investments. People who have hit hard times would not starve and would be able to take care of their families, but would also be motivated to find a suitable career rather than spend their day cleaning city hall, washing busses, or cleaning storm drains. If I pay you $80 to sit at home, you are not likely to jump at $100 to work an eight hour day.
Oh...and yes, I support drug testing.

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