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by TexasGal
Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:15 pm
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Strange call from "Regulatory services."
Replies: 105
Views: 21027

Re: Strange call from "Regulatory services."

Charles L. Cotton wrote:DPS expressly told instructors that we are not to keep test sheets or any scores on the shooting portion of the class. The CHL-100 is the only documentation of passing or failing the classroom and proficiency portions of the course. I have not received any information changing those instructions, so I will continue to comply until an official change.

This is the same as what was relayed in my own class a year ago. They do like for you to have examples of your class room materials to show you are covering the required portions like the power point presentation, but you do not keep student's completed tests or their used targets. The auditors do not seem to be well educated on what they are supposed to ask.

Maybe people in the current classes will chime in and confirm they have not made changes.
by TexasGal
Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:54 am
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Strange call from "Regulatory services."
Replies: 105
Views: 21027

Re: Strange call from "Regulatory services."

Any kind of state license carries with it requirements to do whatever it covers the way the state wants you to. Just think about all those annoying traffic laws and tickets your driver's license came with :biggrinjester: .

DPS didn't make the laws, they just have to enforce them. The problems arise from confusion as to what is required and sometimes from the egos of those who think they purchased the license and should be able to do whatever they want to with it. The DPS is trying to correct both these things so good instructors have better support and a clearer understanding--and those who won't follow guidelines are weeded out. With the numbers of students waiting eagerly to take the instructor's class and the numbers of instructors already licensed, I doubt anyone will miss the ones that decide they don't want anyone looking over their shoulders. I have three different licenses and they are all this way. You have to obey the requirements to keep the license. I wish I had a dime for every hour I've spent in hard chairs listening for days at a time to boring speakers to satisfy my required CE's every year for one of my licenses--and I have to keep those records for as long as I keep the license so they can be audited :roll: . Sitting down with an CHL auditor for 30 minutes once a year is far far easier. Since this is the first year they are carrying this out, I doubt any who have had sloppy record keeping will get more than just a notice of what they need to do from now on. It's not going to be as traumatic as the word "audit" sounds unless you are have been doing some major no no's.
by TexasGal
Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:25 am
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Strange call from "Regulatory services."
Replies: 105
Views: 21027

Re: Strange call from "Regulatory services."

From my own recent class and the same info given out in another recent class a friend was in: No Tests. No Scores, No Range Scores No Targets. They don't want us to keep those things because they might be used against the student in a trial for a self defense shooting. Just keep the CHL 100, 7, and 8. Just the pass/fail info. Make sure you do not have the state seal on your website or cards, and keep a record of what materials you used to teach each class. Dig out your current instructor certificate. Everyone is supposed to be audited according to what we were told.
Some of the auditors have not handled CHL duties before so if they do seem to want more than than these things on students, it is likely a misunderstanding on their part. It is not meant to be a bad experience so there is no need to panic unless you have been doing some things that are serious no no's. There have been lots of changes and since they are re-writing the Admin Rules, there will surely be some more.
by TexasGal
Sun Jun 17, 2012 6:09 pm
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Strange call from "Regulatory services."
Replies: 105
Views: 21027

Re: Strange call from "Regulatory services."

In this case, she came to him, but I think that is flexible.
by TexasGal
Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:52 pm
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Strange call from "Regulatory services."
Replies: 105
Views: 21027

Re: Strange call from "Regulatory services."

sjfcontrol wrote:
TexasGal wrote:These audits are of your record-keeping, your course materials and what you cover in classes. A friend of mine has just completed his audit with regulatory services and he reported the auditor was very thorough. Lots of detailed questions. Everyone will be getting these at least once a year, perhaps more. They are trying to rein in instructors who have been creating their "own" versions of chl classes and keeping sloppy records. I believe they intend to be lenient with simple mistakes, so don't worry unless you have been breaking some important rules. At least that is the impression I got during the discussion in class. With the growth of instructors and chl holders, they are trying to make sure the integrity of the program is not being lost. I am amazed at the stories I have heard so I can't say I blame them :roll:
How long did this audit take?
It only took about 30 minutes according to the instructor who was audited.
She had a checklist and asked to see the CHL100's, 7's, and 8's from classes taught.
She asked what materials he used to teach with.
She asked to see his business card to determine it did not contain the State Seal.
She asked to see his current Instructor's Certificate.
by TexasGal
Sun Jun 17, 2012 5:51 am
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Strange call from "Regulatory services."
Replies: 105
Views: 21027

Re: Strange call from "Regulatory services."

These audits are of your record-keeping, your course materials and what you cover in classes. A friend of mine has just completed his audit with regulatory services and he reported the auditor was very thorough. Lots of detailed questions. Everyone will be getting these at least once a year, perhaps more. They are trying to rein in instructors who have been creating their "own" versions of chl classes and keeping sloppy records. I believe they intend to be lenient with simple mistakes, so don't worry unless you have been breaking some important rules. At least that is the impression I got during the discussion in class. With the growth of instructors and chl holders, they are trying to make sure the integrity of the program is not being lost. I am amazed at the stories I have heard so I can't say I blame them :roll:

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