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by Syntyr
Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:06 am
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Featureless AR15 stock - Cali compliant
Replies: 9
Views: 4065

Featureless AR15 stock - Cali compliant

I know this is a Texas board but we have some users who have said the live in the Peoples Republic of California. This is an interesting take on the butt stock for an AR15. It basically obviates the need for a pistol grip. Since you no longer have an AR15 that has a telescoping stock or a pistol grip you can now use regular removable magazines and not those stupid bullet button mags since you are down to one "feature". Plus they donate to calguns for every stock purchased to try and overturn the stupid laws. I think that's a lost cause... but they actually look nice and I thought everyone here would appreciate the ingenuity behind the design.

Image ... rnian-ars/

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