The word "postings" was used, which I took as postings to this forum from me. I guess I misunderstood-Sorry. I have seen way too many unnecessary words used to describe members and their postings recently, and to me the words "machismo" and "bravado" are the best way to describe the biggest jerk in the gun store on either side of the counter.Keith B wrote:Those comments were not aimed at you, but at the way a sign like that posted anywhere by anyone may be interpreted. It is like someone bragging 'anyone that comes on my property will be shot' and then you have to shoot someone justifiably. It just wont' look good in the investigation and will bring up questions.Embalmo wrote:I can certainly see both sides of this debate, and I'm not sure if I would ever want to out myself-I'm just gathering opinions and experience. I indicated, hypothetically how a sign could be phrased to deter threats, but I think it's best to leave out insulting words to describe an individual (or his words) publicly like "machismo" and "bravado".Keith B wrote:LEO's don't put signs in front of their houses saying 'A LEO lives here'. Posting something like that shows you have guns, but like the ADT sign in your yard says you have a burglar alarm. Best to leave the bravado and machismo out of your statements and postings about what you will do.Embalmo wrote:Okay here is where the miscommunication lies. I guess I didn't make myself clear. I indicated that the sign states, "I will shoot intruders," which I thought implied that the "good stuff" stays with me at all times in order for me to make good on that warning, whether I'm home, or might come home with my weapon. I didn't say, "Intruders will be shot if I'm home because I leave my guns there when I'm not home." That is why I asked if LEO houses got burglarized disproportionately because bad guys know know they have/carry guns.Purplehood wrote:A sign simply means, "Caution, there is good stuff here. You might have to work a little harder to get it, but it is here".
I'm guessing that there is a distinction in a criminal's mind between "this guy has guns" and "this guys has guns, carries guns, and knows how to use guns".
Also, I can see a potential issue if you ever have to shoot an intruder, and the shoot is questionable, there may be some question as to your eagerness to shoot someone who comes on your property.