Fayette County Fair
This info on the web pages seems too indicate the grounds are owned by the county.
Later, in 1957, two Fayette County Commissioners, G. Emerson Work and J. Lewis Williams, decided to buy a sizeable piece of land in Dunbar Township—the current site of the Fayette County Fair.
The entire fair was heavily posted for no concealed carry. The buses from the parking lots to/from as well as the fairgrounds. Not 30.06 signs, but NO GUNS, NO CONCEALED CARRY, NO KNIVES, etc...
A LEO asked me if I had a knife as I entered, I did not since the parking lots had signs and I had decided to leave knife and gun in the car. But wands were on the table, so they could wave down people they wanted to.
School buses were used for transportation, but the obviously knew they were NOT school buses as most of them had temporarily taped over the XXX ISD on the sides of the buses. So they were probably rented to the fair association to make a few dollars for the owing districts.
This is a 4 day event, so by the time the county is notified the signs are illegal, it is over and it is all gone. Then they just skirt the law and do it all over again next year...
Does the new law have any way to deal with this type of gov behavior? Would a decision against them be carried to the next year? What if they're just willing to be out the fine for the 4 days? That doesn't really accomplish the desire of the law, does it?