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by neiltus
Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:10 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Road rager on Beltway 8
Replies: 84
Views: 12115

Re: Road rager on Beltway 8

1. Don't drive the speed limit in the 'fast lane'. Regardless of if it is the speed limit or not, laws, your religion, ethics, or your car veers to the left, it's simply not a safe thing to impede traffic. If some idiot wants to drive 80 or 120 for that matter, it is not your responsibility to govern their actions-let your tax dollars work and let our great servants fix the situation.

2. People saying don't look at him/her. What if you need to ID him? What if it's an undercover cop? What if you see him waiving a gun? What if you pass a TXDOT sign that is looking for the car that just passed you? I think if you believe this you need to stop carrying because you did not listen to "be aware of your surroundings" speech. This applys just as much in car as on foot.

Yes, I know there are gang member that will not shoot until you look. But seriously, your chances of that are near none.

There is a difference between passive and just being ignorant to the situation.

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