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by puma guy
Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:10 pm
Forum: Shooting Ranges
Topic: Cypress Area: Was I hearing Hot Wells?
Replies: 3
Views: 1700

Re: Cypress Area: Was I hearing Hot Wells?

J.R.@A&M wrote:This afternoon the family and I were looking at prospective new (to us) houses in Cypress. While in a subdivision off Fry Road called Cypress Ranch Estates, I heard what I first thought was traffic hitting a section of highway... thump, thump,thump. Then the wife said, no, the seller had told her that was the sound of a nearby shooting range. It wasn't that loud, and sounded like it was coming from the east or southeast. The wind was blowing from the south. The noise was tolerable, and wouldn't affect our decision about this property. But it peaked my curiosity.

Is Hot Wells an outside range? And while I'm at it, is it a generally safe facility with ample backstops, burms, etc.? Thanks.
Hot Wells is an outdoor range. It's located at 24815 Hempstead It's been there for years and years and is safe as far as I know. It's located at 24815 Hempstead. You can Google it.

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