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by puma guy
Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:46 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Dove Season is a Comin'
Replies: 25
Views: 4393

Re: Dove Season is a Comin'

NcongruNt wrote:
puma guy wrote:Hope everyone has a successful hunt. I have a question for any one here. What's the northern range of white wings? I haven't dove hunted in decades and we only had mourning doves in the area we hunted but I've seen them visiting The Valley. I have a deer lease west of New Braunfels that sees some mourning dove activity, but I saw something I'd never seen last month while I was up there working. We jumped a pair of white wing doves while we walked to one of the feeders. I have never ever seen them there before. I like to "bird watch" while I hunt and when I am outdoors, so it's not likely I'd have missed them in past years.
The white wings have been moving northward pretty rapidly over the past few years. 2 years ago, white wings were very rare here in the Austin area. Last year I saw a few, shot one. Now, they seem to outnumber the mourning doves. Yes, this year is different from years past. I'm hoping TPWD ups the limit on them this year.
One of the sites said a 2000 count indicated 264,000 White Wings in Travis County.
by puma guy
Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:54 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Dove Season is a Comin'
Replies: 25
Views: 4393

Re: Dove Season is a Comin'

mr surveyor wrote:not sure what you mean by "northern range", but we have white wings, mourning doves, ringnecks and rock doves crossing our lease north of Sweetwater. We also see scattered white wings mixed in with the few doves crossing Rusk County (NE TX)
My curiosity got the best of me and i did a little research on the internet. It appears white wings are expanding northward and eastward, all the way to to Kansas and even a group in Galveston. I never saw one in the 20 years I had a cabin on Bolivar so maybe they're on the island. I always assumed them to be in south Texas and the RGV way south of San Antonio but they've moved into the Edwards Plateau from what I've read. I've seen Inca's around my home as well as a ring necks (collared).
by puma guy
Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:36 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Dove Season is a Comin'
Replies: 25
Views: 4393

Re: Dove Season is a Comin'

Hope everyone has a successful hunt. I have a question for any one here. What's the northern range of white wings? I haven't dove hunted in decades and we only had mourning doves in the area we hunted but I've seen them visiting The Valley. I have a deer lease west of New Braunfels that sees some mourning dove activity, but I saw something I'd never seen last month while I was up there working. We jumped a pair of white wing doves while we walked to one of the feeders. I have never ever seen them there before. I like to "bird watch" while I hunt and when I am outdoors, so it's not likely I'd have missed them in past years.

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