WildBill wrote:This new article is very confusing, but alludes that there was some kind of confrontation or assauly prior to the shooting, but that it did not justify deadly force.
It seems like this quote from the DA is about another case, but it is a very interesting quote.While Scott Davenport has been charged with murder, this case could be deemed as a case of self-defense. In another recent case of possible “self-defense,” District Attorney Donna Gordon Kaspar explained, “The issue in most self-defense cases is whether or not the deadly force used was in response to a danger that may cause immediate serious bodily injury or death. In other words, was deadly force used in response to deadly force? Under the law, an individual can not respond to non-deadly force with deadly force. Therefore, you can’t shoot someone who hit you with a fist and caused a black eye or some other non-life-threatening injury. Self-defense does not mean a murder was not committed but it may justify the murder and it will be up to a jury to determine if the defendant can prove she was defending herself and therefore, justified in committing this murder.”
http://houstoncountylife.com/2011/04/05 ... -man-dead/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
The comments attched in the link appear to be conflicting regarding any penchant for violence. Another site has a niece and close friend stating he is a violent person. Regardless of the outcome this has to be tearing a family to pieces. One can only pray for them.