Galveston surf is safe to swim in unless the Galveston Health District issues warnings. Samples are regularly taken from over 50 sites by the Galveston County Health District, The problems arise after flooding that comes down Trinity bay from the two rivers that empty into it as well as all the creeks and bayous carrying bacteria and other pollutants. I surfed, swam and fished in the surf from the time I was 16 years old from Bolivar to South Padre Island and just about every beach in between. Rented beach houses often and bought one on Bolivar in 1988 that was destroyed along with most of the peninsula by Hurricane Ike. Beach water warnings were rare, in fact I don't recall ever having one while we were there. The most danger is from rip tides, currents at the ends of Galveston island along with jelly fish and man-o-war, but even that is infrequent for swimmers. The surf water can be a little muddy at time, but that's due to the mud bottom bays which are the most productive on the Texas coast. There are also days when you can see your feet in waist deep water. Padre Island is a more beautiful beach experience with whiter sand, but less things to do. But to each his own I say.