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- Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:51 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Sellier & Bellot Rubber Buckshot.. Why?
- Replies: 17
- Views: 10995
- Thu Mar 03, 2022 6:22 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Sellier & Bellot Rubber Buckshot.. Why?
- Replies: 17
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Re: Sellier & Bellot Rubber Buckshot.. Why?
When we were kids always heard stories about rock salt loads. Never experienced them myself. Reminds me of a story about a farmer who protected his watermelons by posting a sign saying "One of these watermelons has been injected with strychnine poison". Nest day there was a note on the sign. "two of these water melons have been injected with strychnine poison".mojo84 wrote: ↑Thu Mar 03, 2022 5:22 pmMy dad told me a story about him and a friend getting shot with rock salt when he was a kid. They thought a farmer's watermelons were free for the taking. Needless to say, he dropped the melon immediately. Said his lower back, rear-end and upper legs burned bad for a couple days. Said that ended his watermelon snatching.jerry_r60 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 4:43 pm Made me think of the old school "rock salt"...I don't know if that was real or legend but my understanding, used to chase off trespasser, thief, etc. I don't know of anyone actually using rock salt just heard anecdotes.
We have talked on here before about not wanting to use lethal force to respond for property protection. In theory this might not be bad for that however how to practically use it like that??? Need one gun loaded with lethal rounds and one with this. Then you run the risk of grabbing the wrong one.
True or not, makes for a good story and lesson.
- Tue Mar 01, 2022 10:45 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Sellier & Bellot Rubber Buckshot.. Why?
- Replies: 17
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Re: Sellier & Bellot Rubber Buckshot.. Why?
srothstein wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:34 pm I hate to disappoint anyone who uses rubber buck shot in a home defense scenario, but it ain't gonna help that much. At that close a range, it is still a 12 gauge firearm being used and will probably penetrate the skin. I would not be surprised if it did kill in a inside the house scenario. And using a firearm in Texas is a presumption of deadly force anyway, no matter how it is loaded or what part of the body you aim at (shoot the legs?).
Though the tests are not for S&B ammo I found a couple of sites with reviews of 12 Ga. rubber shotshells, buckshot and slugs. Less than lethal loads are meant to be just that, less than lethal. As one of the reviewers mentions; their use brings up an interesting legal question. Both reviews indicate they turn a semi-auto into a manually operated weapon. The slugs appear to me to be a better choice for anyone who wants to use these rubber projectiles.K.Mooneyham I have read that these are often marketed for non-police use as a way to get rid of unwanted critters of the four-legged variety without killing them. I would have to have a couple of boxes for testing to see how they hit at various distances, and these days, ammo of any sort is too expensive to just be playing around with, at least for the average person.
Link to the TFB test. ... ber-slugs/
Paul Harrell's test
- Mon Feb 28, 2022 4:06 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Sellier & Bellot Rubber Buckshot.. Why?
- Replies: 17
- Views: 10995
Re: Sellier & Bellot Rubber Buckshot.. Why?
Appreciate your take on the question. Like you, I considered it could possibly appeal to someone uncomfortable using deadly force for defense, but when I consider the stories of attackers being struck multiple times by large caliber bullets and continuing their attack I don't think I'd trust rubber buckshot to be a sure way to halt an adrenaline fueled perpetrator. At the short ranges in a home defense scenario an ounce and a half of #7½ will make a significant wound area and in a vital area would most likely be fatal. I was loading my Win 1300 Defender with Federal LE #1 buck since it had 15 .30 1100fps pellets, but I found some 12 pellet 2¾" 00 buck .33 1290fps rather than the typical 9 pellet loads. I'm not worried about carrying thru the wall since it's just me and my wife and I would almost certainly have her behind me or in a known safe place should I every have the need to defend our home from an intruder.The Annoyed Man wrote: ↑Mon Feb 28, 2022 3:38 pm Maybe there’s a commercial market for less-lethal options? After all, many of us also carry pepper spray and/or other compliance tools. Although I probably wouldn't buy this load, I can see how someone who is sort of uncomfortable with using deadly force to defend their home or family, might feel comfortable buying a shotgun and keeping it loaded with "rubber bullets"—believing that it will give them a means of forcing compliance and/or surrender from an intruder.
I already stockpile birdshot, buckshot, and slugs. I don’t personally want the potential confusion that could come stocking a 4th kind.
- Mon Feb 28, 2022 1:46 pm
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Sellier & Bellot Rubber Buckshot.. Why?
- Replies: 17
- Views: 10995