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by chartreuse
Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

quidni wrote:
austinrealtor wrote: I am seriously allergic to it (coughing fits from being around too much cigarette smoke).
VoiceofReason wrote:I have to wonder if the amount of “third hand smoke” is significant enough to have any affect. I also have to wonder if this “study” is similar to “studies” of handgun violence cited in an effort to enact more restrictive gun laws.
I, too, have developed a serious allergy to tobacco. Being around someone who is a heavy smoker will often make it hard for me to breathe even if s/he isn't lit up at the time. Cigar smoke makes me extremely nauseous.

Riding in a car that's been smoked in, even if no one is smoking at the moment, has made me pass out. Driving said car would be out of the question for me because of the danger of passing out. I still can't ride in my husband's car, even though he had to quit smoking after his stroke last year. (he's always smoked outside, & "aired out" before coming back inside.) We always take my vehicle when we go somewhere together. So yes, the "third hand smoke" issue is real - although it may not be a serious issue for most people.

There are some perfumes that have similar effects on me, especially if the person is wearing more than just a little bit. Anaphylaxis is no fun.

Even so, I do not believe that the government should legislate bans against tobacco or perfumes. Let the market handle it. I understand how hard it is to break a nicotine addiction, even if I disagree with smoking in general. And these perfumes smell good to the wearers, or else they wouldn't wear them. They are not deliberately setting out to harm someone else by their choice to smoke, or to marinate in their scent of choice. This is not, and should not be considered, criminal behavior. Nuisance sometimes, yes, but criminal, no, unlike someone breaking into my home or threatening me in a parking lot.

The world does not revolve around me. If there is a part of the world that is not dangerous to someone else, but is dangerous to me, then it is my responsibility to defend myself against it - it's not up to someone else to make sure I don't come in contact with it. Anymore, I always keep benadryl and an epi-pen handy, just in case. And yes, while I normally don't advocate purse-carry, I will purse-carry those. :mrgreen:
Well said! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
by chartreuse
Sat Feb 27, 2010 11:06 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:
chartreuse wrote:
marksiwel wrote:I gotta believe 3rd hand smoke is a hazard, I believe that we do pollute a lot and that it effecting us (Look at the number of cancers and increase in birth defects) is it global warming? Maybe not, but is reducing pollution a bad thing?
Depends on a number of factors, I guess, but here's two for starters:
1: How do you define pollution? The EPA just classified CO2 as a pollutant, yet it's essential to the life of the plants that feed us and give us air to breath.
2: Is the "cure" worse than the "disease"? Yes, Cap and Trade, I'm looking at you...
Well Methane, Mercury and Lead are all on earth aka Natural, but how much of it do you want in your drinking water, food and air?
Unfortunate choice of chemicals, old chap. I've got a mouth full of Mercury, thanks to good ol' British dentistry; have a house full of Lead, though much of it is jacketed; and don't get me started on Methane... :lol:
by chartreuse
Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:34 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:I gotta believe 3rd hand smoke is a hazard, I believe that we do pollute a lot and that it effecting us (Look at the number of cancers and increase in birth defects) is it global warming? Maybe not, but is reducing pollution a bad thing?
Depends on a number of factors, I guess, but here's two for starters:
1: How do you define pollution? The EPA just classified CO2 as a pollutant, yet it's essential to the life of the plants that feed us and give us air to breath.
2: Is the "cure" worse than the "disease"? Yes, Cap and Trade, I'm looking at you...
by chartreuse
Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:50 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:
chartreuse wrote:
marksiwel wrote:Also they raise the rates because they are JERKS! Its all about money, they raise the rates because they raise the rates. If they could they would take your DNA and then raise your rates. They would raise your rates based on race if they could. they would raise your rates because you are a gun owner if they could.
:iagree: with you on this, if not on smoking bans.
Its like abortion, I dont like it but I dont think they should be able to pass laws against it. I like dont like smoking and dont think they should pass laws against it, but they do need to compansate for the health hazards it does create, like this third hand smoke they mention in the article.
Yeah, but I think the problem there is, a lot of us think that the third hand smoke thing is about as credible as anthropogenic global warming or all the "guns are evil" "studies" that the antis put out.
by chartreuse
Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:Also they raise the rates because they are JERKS! Its all about money, they raise the rates because they raise the rates. If they could they would take your DNA and then raise your rates. They would raise your rates based on race if they could. they would raise your rates because you are a gun owner if they could.
:iagree: with you on this, if not on smoking bans.
by chartreuse
Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:49 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:Yeah theres tons of 90 year old smokers, here is where the rest of the old smokers hang out
Dead center of town, that. They had to put up a fence, 'cos folks were dying to get in. :lol:
by chartreuse
Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:38 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:ACORN? What? I'm not following you.
Look I dont like smoking, I wish people would just stop on their own. I realize legislating away Behavior isnt the "American Way" but I just really hate Smoking, gives me headaches, kills my nose, ect. Also I've seen too many people get hurt from it.
If you want to smoke, go ahead, but as for restaurants I like how they have it in Austin. Basically you can smoke, but, there has to be a totally separate AC unit in the building (Well atleast thats how they do it in Trudys)
I grew up in Dallas where people still smoke indoors, moved to Boston for a few years, where you can barley smoke, and then moved to Austin, where its the same. Whenever I go to Dallas its like a SMACK in the face.
Pass laws against smoking? Maybe. Hope people will smarten up and stop smoking all together? Maybe
I'm sorry that other folks smoking makes you feel poorly and I promise you that, should the government ever mandate compulsory smoking in all establishments, I will be one of the first to take part in the civil disobedience campaign of keeping my smokes unlit when you're around and politely requesting that others do likewise.

But it isn't like that, is it? Nobody is mandating anything (in greater TX, at least) and I'm free to go to a place that permits smoking and you're free to go to one that doesn't. I'm not trying to defend smoking - speaking frankly, as a smoker, it's indefensible. But property rights are very much defensible and I'm concerned that some folks*, in their zeal against smoking, are willing to sanction the exercise of the threat of violence by the government in a way that they would never do if the subject were firearms.

* I'm also aware that there are other folks, for whom the exercise of violence by the government against the citizens is the end itself, rather than a means. And I wouldn't much like being in bed with such folks. But there's a lot of them in the anti-gun, anti-smoking, anti-what you will lobbies.
by chartreuse
Thu Feb 25, 2010 9:48 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:
KD5NRH wrote:
marksiwel wrote:But when you smoke in a resturant and I'm 5 tables away and I'm getting hurt, too bad, so sad, no smoking.
Who forced you to go to that restaurant? How about no telling other people what they can do with their property? Don't like the way they're using it, go elsewhere. Can't find an elsewhere you like, start your own business and run it the way you want.
Heh, if you're mad about the goverment telling people what they can and cant do with their property when it comes to something reasonable like smoking, you are in for a shock if you ever have to deal with zoning laws "rlol"
Err... perhaps I'm being particularly dumb this evening, but I fail to see the humour in that...

One of the things that I find most repugnant about the ACORN folks and the like is they way that they'll decry injustice in one sphere, then turn around and perpetrate the exact same injustices in another. I'd hoped we all on here were better than that.
by chartreuse
Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:41 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:So what kind of Hazard pay do you get as a Waitress or bus boy?
Last I checked, none, on account of nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to take the job.

Edited to add: This whole conversation is becoming increasingly bizarre to me. The "research" on passive smoking is at least as dubious as all those so-called studies "showing" that if you own a gun you'll get murdered. I'm astonished that we seem able to tolerate in one sphere a lack of rigour that we'd reject outright in another. I guess Pastor Neimoller was right.
by chartreuse
Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:19 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:Did anyone force me to eat a Cheese Burger? But if I ate a Cheese Burger and you somehow got fat because of it, I could see you point. But when you smoke in a resturant and I'm 5 tables away and I'm getting hurt, too bad, so sad, no smoking.
Ah, well now we get into the free market argument. Nobody forced you to go to a smoking restaurant either. If enough folks feel like you do, somebody will open a smoke free restaurant, and he'll make a lot of money. Then other folks will copy him, before you know it, you'll have loads of smoke free restaurants, without the government getting involved.

They actually do this in Spain. Each place has to have a sign on the door saying if it's smoking permitted or smoking banned. That way, folks know what to expect before they walk through the door.
by chartreuse
Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:15 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

seniorshooteress wrote:A smoker pays more taxes than the non-smoker so if everyone stopped smoking, where is government going to get that lost revenue from?
Now that's a good point. When I lived in England, we got the figures on this - turned out the government raised £9bn a year from tobacco taxes and the cost of socialized medicine for smoking related illnesses was £2.5bn a year. So the govt was £6.5bn in profit. That's before you factor in the pension stuff, with smokers dying younger so claiming less, etc.

NB: I'm no fan of socialized medicine - but it sure did make it easy to do the math in that one case.
by chartreuse
Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:53 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

marksiwel wrote:Does being around guns give you cancer? Just asking
I'll bet you a dollar that we could find an anti-gun campaigner to say that it does. :lol:
by chartreuse
Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:33 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban
Replies: 81
Views: 9354

Re: Uh Oh, looks like this could lead to a Smoking ban

jmra wrote:I have no problem with someone smoking on their private property. I do have a right not to have smoke blown in my face in a public place. And like someone else said it's the long term effects I'm worried about. Btw, the chain smoker wasn't stopped by our employer, he was stopped by the chain smoking. I hope you decide to stop before you suffer the same fate.
Honest question: how do you define a public place? Last I checked, most bars, restaurants etc. were private property. And I don't see how it's the government's business to tell the owner of said private property which lawful activities he may or may not permit, on his private property.

Slightly challenging question (I'm not attacking you, but I've never seen a smoker blow smoke in somebodies face unless he was trying to start a fight): Do you notice any similarity between your phrase "a right not to have smoke blown in my face" and the typical Brady Bunch expression "a right not to feel threatened by somebody brandishing a weapon."?

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