Last Sunday afternoon I head over to the local Exxon to buy a newspaper. I'm at the counter paying, facing the clerk.
In an instant, there's an older & larger gentleman behind me on my right, and he's up on me and he puts his hand on my side....right on top of my pistol, OWB, under my long sleeve shirt. I spin counter clock wise, my hand drops, and goes up under my shirt, hand on the pistol grip. I step to what is now my right to rapidly to create distance.
He steps back, and holding a computer MapQuest printout asks in a thick accent (Greek I think) where a certain street is.
In several short seconds my mind processes distance, cultures, threats, etc....and I quickly ascertain this guy just doesn't know boundaries, is older, and is lost. He had, it seemed, touched me to get my attention. Me and the clerk tell him he's one stoplight away.
I turn back and pay, and as I walk out another man in the store looked at me and said "I saw that.....that was scary". I walked out. It took me half an hour to settle down.
Like TAM, I live condition yellow....outdoors only it seems. Now, I'm going to turn the radar on indoors as well.
It was truly scary. Start to finish, three----maybe four seconds before I realized someone WASN'T grabbing for my pistol.
I had thought about posting this, but thought "no", but after reading the other post, I thought I would share. It's a strange world out there, everywhere....
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- by chuckybrown
- Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:38 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: In Response to Lapse in recent encounter....
- Replies: 8
- Views: 3519
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