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by chuckybrown
Mon May 17, 2010 8:23 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Trying on a holster....
Replies: 15
Views: 2228

Re: Trying on a holster....

I was doing my best not to identify the store. I was at a place that sold all kinds of tactical gear, holsters, shoes, belts, holsters, etc, but did not sell weapons.

My in store question was aimed at a gentleman my age, that I discerned to be a "management" type....and based on our subsequent interactions, my assumptions were correct. That being said, my question to him was asked privately, and in the company of what I would best describe as a "proprietor of mutually admirable goods", if you get my drift.

I started this thread not to address my ineptitude in asking or revealing my CHL status, but rather to the fact that I was "swept" by someone I assumed was a knowledgeable weapons person. (I've been handling weapons since I was a child, ultimately advancing to military firearms training/marksmanship/advanced military firearms training/sniper school/bullseye/CHL training/IPSC/IDPA, etc, etc, etc. If my knowledge of the CHL laws are lacking, then....well.....)

Being in a privately held "military" type store, I was assuming it would be similar to any privately held business whereby the owner could allow/disallow the presentation of a firearm...just like in a firearm store, a la "Collector's Firearms". If handing someone I deemed to be a knowledgeable peer in firearms my weapon, in an environment one would assume the other handler was knowledgeable, then I'm guilty as charged.

Thanks for the input gentlemen...hopefully you won't make the same mistake I made.

by chuckybrown
Sun May 02, 2010 3:38 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Trying on a holster....
Replies: 15
Views: 2228

Re: Trying on a holster....

'twas not Collectors.......
by chuckybrown
Sun May 02, 2010 2:19 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Trying on a holster....
Replies: 15
Views: 2228

Trying on a holster....

So, today I go into a nice gun and accessory store. I've got my Kel Tech .32 in my right front pocket. I find a nice little holster I think I might like for it, problem is, there are 2 holsters that are labeled differently for this same gun. Given the kind of store it is, I'm thinking surely I can "try on" the holster.

I turn to a salesman on the floor, and ask him "hey, is there a place here I could go to see which holster fits my Kel Tech best?" while tapping my right front know, unwritten "man-speak". He asks "do you have it on you?", I reply "yes, it's in my right front pocket....that's why I'm asking". "Are you a peace officer?" he asks. I respond "No, but I have my CHL". He says "lets go over to the counter". I walk over, and he says "give me your pistol so I can clear it". I hand it to him still in the pocket holster, muzzle down.

Here's the scary part: He pulls it out of the pocket holster, and with the gun in his hand, lays it on it's side and turns the gun so that it's pointing right at my belly. I quickly step out of the line of fire as he ejects the clip and racks the slide back to clear the round in the chamber. I chose to be quiet over the incident...and ended up buying the holster. But, I learned a lesson today.

I guess I expected something different, especially at this caliber of store. And, I'd overhead this gentleman speaking of his military experience....and he was no young buck either. But, next time, I'm buying the holster and taking it home, and if it doesn't fit, I'm taking it back. I'm sure many will criticize me for handing over a loaded weapon, but again, given the store type, and what they sold, I didn't feel it was wrong to ask.

So, don't be me.

Flame me at your discretion. But, learn from my lapse in judgment.

Oh, and I like the holster.

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