carlson1 wrote:Truth is we all have something we can't shoot as well. I shoot the .356 Sig fine, but not the .40. I like .45 and revolvers.WildBill wrote:I realize I am late to this post, but the caliber argument for me hasn't been much of a decision for me.
I am not sure exactly why, but I have never been able to shoot a .45 ACP as accurately as I would like.
That is why I have carried .38 Spec +P and 9 mm.
I don't direct this at anyone because I was this way when I left LE for years. I thought I had to carry two guns and back up mags for both and a revolver on my ankle to go to Kroger's and get milk.I realize bad things can happen anywhere, but I finally "matured" out some I guess because I try real hard not to go to places I need to take my gun safe to.
Which brings up the old Texas Ranger joke:
A ranger agreed to make a presentation to a ladies club. As he arrived, one of the women commented "My, that's quite a large gun you have on your hip. Are you expecting trouble?"
"No Ma'am", he replied. "If I were expecting trouble, I'd have brought a shotgun."