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by d strokes
Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:03 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Opinions and Knowledge of STI 3" and 4"
Replies: 23
Views: 2083

Re: Opinions and Knowledge of STI 3" and 4"

RiverRat wrote:
d strokes wrote:Austin Gun Liquidators -" onclick=";return false;

They are an STI authorized dealer, and the guy that runs the shop is pretty cool. Usually have good prices too.
Looked up the web site, says close to nothing. If he didn't have a picture of a gun on the pages, I wouldn't have a clue what his services were. From what you said above, I assume he has a store front with product? I'll run up there this week and see what he has.....but I'll call first :)

Thanks CompV, I was sort of looking at the Guardian for carry. Don't know if I can talk the Mrs. into going to Houston, but you never know. My big fear is like what happened last Christmas when I came home with a New Agent.......I never even got to shoot it before it went into her purse.....ended up not finding another one and having to settle with a Defender for me.... :totap: She is a Daughter of the Republic, and might like the Texas outline on the slide for herself, and I can't afford two of them this week :mrgreen: .

I will go ahead and contact STI and ask the some questions. I have always bought guns in person.....not sure how comfortable I'd be ordering blind on the internet........
OOOpps! My nose ought to be growing...I am obamaing!! I did buy two AR15 kits last year on the internet. It came out alright.
Yeah, the website sucks, but you can get the phone number and address. It's in pflugerville off 35, just north of tinseltown.

He is an HK dealer too, for those interested. I'm a big fan of STI and HK :fire
by d strokes
Mon Oct 19, 2009 12:47 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Opinions and Knowledge of STI 3" and 4"
Replies: 23
Views: 2083

Re: Opinions and Knowledge of STI 3" and 4"

Austin Gun Liquidators -" onclick=";return false;

They are an STI authorized dealer, and the guy that runs the shop is pretty cool. Usually have good prices too.

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