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by wford
Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:22 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Replies: 45
Views: 7374

Re: In The Wee Hours of the Morning

Thanks random for the trigger discipline clarification. Now you got me thinking about that muzzle, haha.
I wonder if "low ready" is the most common positon taught for that situation and if there is a name for
what you were using.
by wford
Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:10 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Replies: 45
Views: 7374

Re: In The Wee Hours of the Morning

Not to hound you to death but you seem to imply that you keep your finger in the trigger guard if your gun is not cocked.
Or am I just reading you incorrectly ?
randomoutburst wrote:
dihappy wrote:Glad your ok.

Id like to suggest you never pull back the hammer to cock your revolver.

You are that much closer to a negligent discharge.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with cocking the hammer as long as I'm mindful of my body (especially trigger finger) and surroundings.
1. When my hammer is cocked I don't keep my finger in the trigger guard.
2. I live on the second story of an apartment building so I keep the gun pointing upwards while the hammer is cocked.
3. As I mentioned in a previous post, my finger can't reach the trigger in double-action unless I scooch my hand around. I simply cocked it this time in case I needed to make a quick shot.

Obviously I don't carry it around cocked. In fact, this was the only instance when I've put it into single action in anticipation of making a shot (excluding range time, of course).
by wford
Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:22 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: In The Wee Hours of the Morning
Replies: 45
Views: 7374

Re: In The Wee Hours of the Morning

Glad all was well. Were you trained to cock your revolver in that type of situation ?

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