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by Commander
Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:46 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Replies: 28
Views: 5079

Banned in NY

See my post below
by Commander
Wed Jun 28, 2006 7:42 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Replies: 28
Views: 5079

Charles L. Cotton wrote: However, I now have every reason to believe it is the result of too few employees in that department, rather than an overt effort to slow the process.
Charles, you are correct. Many years ago, the Legislature placed an employee cap on all state agencies. So the only employees the CHL section would have would be positions authorized by the original CHL bill (if it did that) For DPS to add additional employees to the CHL section they would have to either reduce employess in another section of the agency or appeal to the legislature for additional FTEs (Full Time Employees) and the legislature is very reluctant to grant such requests. I also saw another post that related how DPS budgets have been reduced over the years. For the upcoming budget years of FY2008 and FY2009, state agencies have been instructed to come up with projections on how they would operate under a 10% reduction of their budget allocations. So that can't help matters.

The entire "customer service" section; which includes Safety Responsibilty Suspensions, Driver Records, CHL etc. has been moved to an off-campus location in Austin. Its in an old warehouse on Dension just off Airport Blvd in Austin. A visitor to that location will encounter a sea of humanity there in person, not to even consider the telephone calls and mail that come in there.

I hand delivered my CHL renewal package there a few months ago. It was an absolute zoo.