I can not say how happy I am this poll is here.
I have read through all of the posts and did not see anyone with my reason for not having their CHL posted.
I am sure I am not the only one in this position; I am just dumb enough to admit it.
I can not get my CHL because of a defaulted student loan about 20 years old.
I know, before it is said, I should pay my debt. I understand and agree, however, please give me the benefit of a doubt here. This loan was a mess 20 years ago when it was a $5,000 loan and is a big mess now worth nearly $40,000.
Knowing the student loan was out there somewhere, I called the toll free number listed on the on-line application for my CHL. Sure enough the loan is still considered in default and although it was a federal loan, the state has it on their records, therefore NO CHL.
Without arguing the validity of my old debt, I wonder why this is on the qualification criteria for the Texas CHL?
I have no record, not even misdemeanors; and can pass a background check to purchase a weapon, so there are no other problems.
Actually in spite of this old debt my credit rating is high, so it can’t be said my credit is bad, but even if it was, why would a persons past credit problems affect his competency in holding a CHL? There are a lot of folks out there with bad credit that have CHL’s.
I have discussed this on other forums only to be labeled a dead beat for not paying my debt, and I risk this here, because I hope someone may have the answer as to how the qualification criteria was developed and what our legislators had in mind with this point of qualification.
Ok now the cat is out of the bag. I understand the only options for my obtaining a CHL are.
1. Pay the debt, or at least pay on it to get it out of default.
2. Change the law.
Options 1 is obviously what I will have to do, however, I am curious if option 2 is even a possibility and if so how could it be done?
I would appreciate any feedback.
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- by BrettFord
- Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:24 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Poll: Reasons you have not gotten a CHL?
- Replies: 273
- Views: 65920
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