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by TLynnHughes
Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:14 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fear of Guns - A Success Story (Update)
Replies: 20
Views: 4090

Re: Fear of Guns - A Success Story (Update)

Texas10X wrote:Congratulations, TLynn, on the good news about the wedding and for the great effort you've all made in patiently getting her past her fears! And kudos to her for acknowledging her fears and taking the steps to move past them. Lots of great foundation laid there, and a blossoming gun enthusiast in the works! She'll continue to grow in her self-confidence, too, especially with the support network she has in all of you. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Thank you Texas10X and Teamless for the congrats! We just got done at the range. You should see the girl shoot!!! She put about 80 rounds downrange today through 2 different guns under the careful coaching of my williamkevin. She's good now...she's going to be amazing!!!

Happy day!
by TLynnHughes
Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:49 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fear of Guns - A Success Story (Update)
Replies: 20
Views: 4090

Re: Fear of Guns - A Success Story

I have an update to the story....

Since the original post, my son's girlfriend became my son's wife...and I couldn't be happier. :lol:

And, we're taking her to the range again today at her request. She has decided that she would like to get her CHL. So we're going to work with her and get her comfortable with completing the CHL course of fire and handling a firearm in general.

I told her that she was going to want to start shooting IDPA before too long. She said she could totally see that happening. :thumbs2:

I am so proud of her....and my son!

by TLynnHughes
Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:12 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Fear of Guns - A Success Story (Update)
Replies: 20
Views: 4090

Fear of Guns - A Success Story (Update)

I have the best “feel good” story.

My son has been dating a girl for about 7 months now. When they first started dating, my son let us know that she was terrified of guns. I don’t know the details but she had been witness to one ND (no one was hurt) and had another negative experience of some sort. On one of the first visits to our house, I had just purchased my little P238 in Rainbow Titanium. If you haven’t seen it, it could best be described as a girl gun. She was ok with looking at it, but absolutely did not want to touch it. In fact she turned visibly pale when I asked her.

This could have become a problem in a family like ours. But she decided that she was determined to overcome the fear.

Several months later, the family got together at PSC. She was going to join us just to watch. Imagine my surprise when my son showed up alone. At the last minute, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Over the next few months, my son worked with her. Gradually bringing his own handgun out, breaking it down, letting her hold it as she felt ready. I'm really proud of his patience with her, understanding her fear and working with her to overcome it. Last month, she came to our house and we got out several of the firearms and taught her about them, reiterating the safety rules. With williamkevin’s guidance, she took apart one of the M&Ps by herself and asked questions. She was still visibly nervous but you could see the determination in her face.

She came to PSC with us last Sunday. We set up targets. She summoned up her courage while hubby, son and I did some warm-ups and drills. Finally she thought she was ready. I walked her to her own target with our little Walther .22 and took her through the steps. She was shaking so hard, but she DID IT! She fired the gun! I was so proud of her and so impressed at her strength and determination.

Before the day was over, she fired the Walther a couple of more times and then decided she was ready to shoot the M&P9. Not only did she overcome her fear but now she likes shooting. We’re anticipating that she’ll be in front of an IDPA target before it’s all over. So we have another shooter among us in the great State of Texas.


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